
Breakfast at the office of Mr. Eng. Abbassi, Deputy Minister of Engineering and Engineering of the company for the development and maintenance of sports facilities in the presence of Mr. Eng. Sander Duma

Working breakfast in the office of Mr. Eng. Abbasi, Deputy Minister of Engineering and Engineering of the company for the development and maintenance of sports facilities in the presence of Mr. Eng. Sander Duma, Mr. Heydari (Consultant to Deputy Minister of Engineering and Engineering of the company for the development and maintenance of sports facilities of the country), Mr. Matefar and Mr. Engineer Rahimian (Managing Director of peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers) Wednesday, August 28, 2008

Discussion and discussion on the design and implementation of a track of wooden bicycles in Iran

Breakfast at the office of Mr. Eng. Abbassi, Deputy Minister of Engineering and Engineering of the company for the development and maintenance of sports facilities in the presence of Mr. Eng. Sander Duma
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Award Ceremony and Selected Awards Design Contest Building Board of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services
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