• Safety and Health of Building Materials and Products

    Safety and Health of Building Materials and Products

    Perhaps one of the aspects that is often overlooked or less overlooked in the design of a structure is the choice of materials and construction products. The importance of choosing the right construction products is very important and this plays an important role in the success or failure of a building. Even the use of standard building products has a significant impact on home prices, and each of us has probably heard about the quality of our housing and its price at least once when buying a home or mortgage and renting it.
    In our country, the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development has enacted the technical and engineering aspects of building and national regulations governing the technical and engineering aspects of building, and compliance with these rules is essential for all construction activists.
    Although these regulations are presented in various categories such as the standards defined for each material, its specifications and technical specifications, its compatibility with the building and its type of packaging and maintenance, we present in this article from the Keyboard Journal to Materials Safety and Considerations Environmental Some of the building products used in building a building are:
    A few items of construction products
    Generally, for the construction of a structure, the technical specifications of construction products must be standardized and materials that have quality certification must be used.
    Hydraulic Cement
    This type of cement is very sticky and hardens in combination with water or its proximity (also air). Thus, by definition, hydraulic cement is waterproof and does not perish in the face of water.

    Materials safety and environmental considerations of hydraulic cement
    This type of cement contains a small amount of live lime and other alkaline oxides, so it can be harmful to the skin and eyes, and dust in the air can cause respiratory problems. Therefore, cement should not be dispersed in the air.
    When using cement, people need to wear gloves, glasses, masks, and long sleeves to prevent it from impacting different parts of the face and body.

    If the cement comes in contact with damp skin or eyes, it should be washed off with plenty of clean water as soon as possible. In case of prolonged exposure to cement, it is advisable to use dilute vinegar solution to wash the skin after the area has been rinsed.
    Plaster and its products
    Plaster is a building adhesive that is white in color, if pure. If gypsum is cooked at low temperature and in laboratory conditions, gypsum is obtained.
    Material Safety and Environmental Considerations of Building Plaster
    In structures that use building plaster, workers also use shoes, protective boots, gloves, masks and safety clothing. Also, be careful when loading the construction plaster so that the envelopes are not torn and dust is not created.

    Building plaster compatibility with other materials
    Building plaster products, especially in wet areas, should be covered with stainless steel if exposed to steel.
    Building plaster and its products in related areas, such as the northern cities of the country, should not be directly adjacent to concrete or cement products.
    Construction mortars
    Generally, a paste that is created by mixing adhesive and filler is called fresh mortar. This adhesive can be cement paste and the filling material can be like fine aggregates.

    Mortar is used in construction to glue building materials together. Mortar provides the necessary bedding for plastering, plastering and bonding.
    Materials safety and environmental considerations of building mortars
    Since lime mortar is often used in construction, hydrated lime is best used, and due to lime damage to the skin and eyes, it is necessary to consider the safety of materials and individuals and to avoid lime contact with the working skin. Prevent action.
    Lime, due to its composition of ingredients, causes corrosion of metals such as lead, aluminum and zinc. For this reason, it is necessary to coat metal materials with appropriate materials before placing them in limestone mortar.
    Building stones
    Stones are one of the most commonly used materials in construction. Sometimes stones are used as blocks and sometimes cut to decorate the floor and floor.

    Natural stone consists of one or more minerals and is a synthetic stone made from a mixture of aggregates, adhesives and additives.
    Materials safety and environmental considerations of masonry stone
    Cutting stones should be done indoors using water.
    The use of stones in buildings should never endanger the health and health of people and the environment. If it is likely that harmful radiation is emitted from the stone, it is necessary to examine and test the stone.
    Stones are compatible with all construction products.
    Ceramic tile
    This product is used for floor and wall covering and decorative items. Ceramic tile is manufactured with different properties and systems and is a combination of different minerals.
    Materials Safety and Environmental Ceramic Tile
    Glazed tiles contain some compounds such as lead oxide and cadmium that are harmful to the environment.
    Warehousing and painting of tiles should include safety helmets, work shoes and boots, and staff should be provided with personal protective equipment.

    Like stone, tiles are no longer incompatible with other building products.

  • What is phase zero architecture or study phase?

    What is phase zero architecture or study phase?

    In order to accomplish an architectural project, steps must be taken in order to complete the next step in the best way and without any defects before starting any of the stages of architectural design

    The main ones are formed

    These three phases should be arranged one after the other in order to implement standard architectural design. All three phases are necessary and necessary if one phase is not properly implemented. The proper architecture or mismatch between them will fail the entire project architectural set. The first phase is the Zero Architectural Phase, or architectural studies, in which land-based studies such as soil and geotechnics focus on identifying existing faults and the extent of earth’s strength and earthquake and the extent of the earth’s tolerance to build a building. The focus is on the basic terms and conditions for design and construction, all urban and civil studies in terms of urban criteria, etc., which, after conducting studies and research, and completing the zero phase of architecture, we reach the next phase

    The next stage of the architecture phase is the initial design of the architecture, which we will discuss in more detail later. Next, we will proceed to the phase two architecture and the preparation of architectural details and drawings. Design Zero Architecture Phase or Architectural Studies Zero Architecture Phases include architectural studies. In Zero Frame Architecture Knowledge of the area and items such as climate, area architecture requirements, rules and regulations, frameworks and standards, as well as careful consideration of soil engineering issues such as soil testing and so on are of great importance. For example, if we do not get good results in the study of the soil and geotechnical status of an area, even the feasibility of the architectural process is raised, or in many cities around the world, high-level constraints, plus traditional texture, are relevant to soil testing. The area is protected to a certain degree depending on the weakness or strength of the ground

    Phase zero architecture is the stage in which the desired information is acquired and the project identification and identification process is studied. In the zero phase of architecture, the project is examined in terms of technical and economic justification as well as the social justification of the architectural project. The information and understanding required in the zero phase of architecture is in many cases obtained through negotiations with the employer and being aware of the needs of the employer

  • temporary pavilions that reflect

    temporary pavilions that reflect

    The International Festival of Architecture and Design is being held in the city with temporary displays for the festival, which are trying out spaces in and out of the city of Lugoro and are a whole new way to see and experience the urban environment. Passage: Alfredo Bladder, decorates this chimney-shaped structure. The exhibition aims to change the character of the hosting space and invite viewers to grab a seat and enjoy the scenery. The structure is divided into four sections of wooden boards that come together to form accessories that allow visitors to sit. How the wood is cut causes it to be reused after the structure is down

    temporary pavilions that reflect
  • Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

    Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

    The most famous buildings in the world have always been the source of inspiration for creativity. Tourists in the world are looking for the beauty of famous buildings and often visiting the famous building is one of the significant parts of foreign travel. By studying a building, we can learn a lot about how life and culture were created during the time it was built, looking a bit like a picture. But unlike a picture, buildings change after construction. They live alongside people, and as a community, design changes in thinking is the use of a building. Conventional wear and tear needs to be renovated, and changing community tastes have a particular impact on the design and function of a building. The construction of the Sabrida Familia in Barcelona is probably the most famous unfinished building in the world. The work was begun in the archipelago of Antoine Gaddae in 1882, after 137 years later, the temple has only been completed by only 70%. It has also recently been given an appropriate building permit and is expected It will end in 2026, even though it is still under construction, this gothic building is interesting

    Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
  • News and information about the death of the famous Chilean architect

    News and information about the death of the famous Chilean architect

    The renowned American Argentinian architect Cesar Pili is known for designing some of the world’s tallest buildings, such as the Petronas towers in Kuala Lumpur, the Cristo de Tours in Madrid, and the Covanra Center building in Santiago, Chile, today, at the age of 92, according to Yuan Manzorel, governor of the province. Tokuman fought. He was born in Tokun and studied in the architecture of the National University of Tucumán. He then married, and later emigrated to the United States, received his master’s degree from the University of Illinois at the Urbana School of Architecture. He recognized Professor Piline’s vision for the work of erythrocynan , In which significant projects such as the Global Air Tran Terminal
    At John F. F. University Kennedy and Ashmore Studley and Samuel Morse colleges renovated by Kiran Timberlake at Yale University. This is a preliminary plan for an architect who is interested in mysticism, materiality, and formal expressions, Pro has proven to be the design director then at Daniel, Mann, Johnson Mendenhoel in Los Angeles, where his design for the sunshine of the urban park The core of the mountain hill, like the Ziggurat, emerged from the ground, highlighting advanced designs for steel and glass in prominent projects in India. In 1995, the Billie Award was awarded by the American Institute of Architects with the honor of the Best Architect’s Gold Medal Award. The Consex de Brillant Prize, the Connex Foundation received the Life and Work Award in the past decades as the most important person in the visual arts. Cities “Our most important responsibility is to create a building in its place, a constant goal of architecture for all ages. Technological and cultural changes have been undermined by this relationship, and it is the responsibility of each of us to consider it in our work. “The common theme of polysactivity is the sensitivity to the environment and the environment

    News and information about the death of the famous Chilean architect
    News and information about the death of the famous Chilean architect
  • Creating a grass for the National Museum of the building

    Creating a grass for the National Museum of the building

    he LAB at Rockwell Group has partnered with The National Building Museum to present the 2019 Summer Block Party installation LAWN. Designed to be an immersive installation taking up the entirety of the Museum’s Great Hall, the project presents a series of interactive experiences for all ages.The lawn itself is programmed with summer entertainment and activities, including movie nights, yoga, and meditation. By creating custom software, the LAB also developed an It allows guests to come up with exciting summer activities while communicating with museum design. It has a large green space that is built on an upper building. Visitors are greeted with a wide range of green spaces, adjoining a beautiful slope with beautiful clusters. The center of these logistical areas is an interactive hammock that has grown from its 100-walled grid. Hamaah contains covert speakers of pre-recorded audio programs from prominent American storylists who share summer memories. At the top of the lawn, the towers of the terrace reach the height of the third floor of the museum, exhibitions without the previous view of the big hall,column pillars and hermetic buses that cover the cover.Augmented Reality game alongside the installation

    Creating a grass for the National Museum of the building
    Creating a grass for the National Museum of the building
    Creating a grass for the National Museum of the building
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