The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, was held at the meeting of the activists and economic elites of the Alborz province, which was held on 9/8/2006 at the Governorate of Alborz with the presence of Minister of Industry and Commerce Mr. Nematzadeh.
The opening of the Shiraz Wrestling house (from the company’s projects in Fars province) on 28/8/2016, by Mr. Manaf Hashemi, Deputy Minister of Sports and Youth, and the competent authorities of the Sports Planning and Maintenance Company of Fars ProvinceThe ceremony was attended by Mr. Rahimian, Managing Director, and Mr. Moshfeq, Director of the Monitoring Unit, and project monitors.
On July 29/2016, on the sidelines of the International Championships, the first four-wheeled ATV race with the participation of the South Khodro Sazan Company and Pey khak Boom Engineering consulting, sponsored by the Federation of Motorcycling and Motor Racing and the General Directorate of Sports And the youth of Alborz province, were held on the Dizin International Track.
Visit of Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO, of multi-purpose sport hall and mosque of Shahrood University of Technology Engineering and Technology on June 5, 2016, At a meeting with Mr. Sadeghi, Deputy Minister of Civil Engineering and Managing Directors of the project, the implementation process of both workshops was examined and the workshop was solved by Ms. Makinejad, Project Designer, the problems of contractors’ implementation.
Visit of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, from Shiraz Ship House Project and Sivand Sports Hall in Fars Province on 1/6/2016
Mr. Ghamari Nezhad, the director of the Southwest region of the company for the development and maintenance of sports facilities of the country, also attended the visit. The latest status of the Shiraz ship project and the initial coordination of the opening and implementation problems of the Sivand Sports Hall project with the participation of the project contractor And reviewed and discussed the financing arrangements for projects.