• Message from Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the establishment of consulting company Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers

    Message from Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the establishment of consulting company Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers

    Today is the 26th of March, 26th, the sixth anniversary of the establishment of consulting firm Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers
    The company’s serious activity began in August 2012 and I thank God that during this period of economic recession and financial crisis that has been created for the budget of the country’s construction projects, with the efforts, tireless efforts and honesty and courtesy of all the managers and personnel of the company, From the office and the workshop, we have achieved great successes and, in the hope of economic prosperity and the attention of government officials to the private sector, we are determined to continue our journey and commit to the values ​​and vision of the company.
    I am obliged to thank and thank the efforts of all the directors and staff, and I wish everyone happy, healthy and well-meaning.
    On this occasion, our dear colleagues participated in a ceremony in the beautiful Berghan area of ​​Karaj on Friday, March 2nd, 2009, and we created a beautiful memory together.

    “The future is ours”
    Ali Rahimian, Managing Director

    Message from Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the establishment of consulting company Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers
    Message from Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the establishment of consulting company Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers
    Message from Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the establishment of consulting company Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers
    Message from Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the establishment of consulting company Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers
    05/15/2016 By peykhak news
  • Visit of Mr. Dr. Ghalibaf, mayor of Tehran, from the project of cultural and religious complex near the city of Aftab on March 25,

    Visit of Mr. Dr. Ghalibaf, mayor of Tehran, from the project of cultural and religious complex near the city of Aftab on March 25,

    Visit of Mr. Dr. Ghalibaf, mayor of Tehran, from the project of cultural and religious complex near the city of Aftab on March 25,

    Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers Co., as the Consultant (Factor Four), is responsible for the project’s management, and the project is being implemented by EPC by Pirooz Abaniyeh Tirandad and Kaspers’ Consulting Engineers Co.

    In this intimate visit by CEO Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, a report was presented on the project implementation process and discussed the project financing.

    Visit of Mr. Dr. Ghalibaf, mayor of Tehran, from the project of cultural and religious complex near the city of Aftab on March 25,
    Visit of Mr. Dr. Ghalibaf, mayor of Tehran, from the project of cultural and religious complex near the city of Aftab on March 25,
    Visit of Mr. Dr. Ghalibaf, mayor of Tehran, from the project of cultural and religious complex near the city of Aftab on March 25,
    Visit of Mr. Dr. Ghalibaf, mayor of Tehran, from the project of cultural and religious complex near the city of Aftab on March 25,
    05/15/2016 By peykhak news
  • The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, at the first meeting of the technical and executive system of the Alborz province

    The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, at the first meeting of the technical and executive system of the Alborz province

    The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, was held at the first meeting of the Alborz Provincial Technical and Executive System on 13/13/13, which was held at the invitation of Alborz Governorate and Planning Organization.
    At this meeting
    Mr. Engineer Mostafavi, Head of the Technical and Executive Directorate of the Organization for Management and Planning of the country and his deputies
    Mr. Dr. Ghaemi, Head of Alborz Governance and Planning Organization and his deputies
    Mr. Dr. Masoumi, Deputy Governor of the Alborz Governorate and other standard advisers
    Mr. Dr. Torkashvand, Mayor of Karaj and his deputies
    Executive directors and development deputies of provincial executive agencies
    And consultant engineers and successful contractors working in the provincial level projects discuss the construction industry and build capacity and enhance technical knowledge.

    The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, at the first meeting of the technical and executive system of the Alborz province
    The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, at the first meeting of the technical and executive system of the Alborz province
    The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, at the first meeting of the technical and executive system of the Alborz province
    The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, at the first meeting of the technical and executive system of the Alborz province
    The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, at the first meeting of the technical and executive system of the Alborz province
    The presence of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, at the first meeting of the technical and executive system of the Alborz province
    05/03/2016 By peykhak news
  • Meeting with Dr. Massimo Alberti, Managing Director of Pagra Corporation from Italy

    Meeting with Dr. Massimo Alberti, Managing Director of Pagra Corporation from Italy

    On Saturday, April 28, 1995, Peykhak Boom Consulting Engineers Company hosted Dr. Massimo Alberti of Italy.
    He is the CEO of Pagra Corporation. The company has 150 years of designing and implementing green spaces and landscaped gardens and diverse gardens around the world, and has designed and implemented gardens and villas of many famous political and cultural celebrities.
    The meeting was attended by Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, Managing Director, Mr. Abishemi, Technical and Executive Director, and Ms. Keika, Director of Design, at the headquarters of the company on the areas of cooperation in Iran and the topics of interest to the parties to the discussion. And exchanged views, and from Phase 2 of Nahj-ol-Balagheh Gardens and Fadak Boulevard, which was designed and implemented by the consultant of the Bom area in Tehran’s 2nd area.

    04/18/2016 By peykhak news
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