• The most expensive houses in the world; Leopolda Villa

    The most expensive houses in the world; Leopolda Villa

    The most expensive homes in the world; Leopolda Villa, $ 5 million
    Leopolda’s villa on the coast of Cورte d’Azur (French Viviera), before being converted into a royal home and home to princes, was a hospital for WWI soldiers as well as the filming location of a post-World War II film. Dollar is Europe’s most expensive and luxurious villa. It has a 4-storey house and was built by King Leopold in Year 2. The building is 2 m 2 located on an area of ​​5 hectares. The complex also has two guest houses and a dedicated beach, which is also France’s best south coast. The property has an area of ​​5,000 square meters and has a swimming pool overlooking the River Riviera. It has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and toilets. Although not the largest in the list, it is certainly one of the most magnificent.

    The most expensive houses in the world; Leopolda Villa
    The most expensive houses in the world; Leopolda Villa
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