• What is phase zero architecture or study phase?

    What is phase zero architecture or study phase?

    In order to accomplish an architectural project, steps must be taken in order to complete the next step in the best way and without any defects before starting any of the stages of architectural design

    The main ones are formed

    These three phases should be arranged one after the other in order to implement standard architectural design. All three phases are necessary and necessary if one phase is not properly implemented. The proper architecture or mismatch between them will fail the entire project architectural set. The first phase is the Zero Architectural Phase, or architectural studies, in which land-based studies such as soil and geotechnics focus on identifying existing faults and the extent of earth’s strength and earthquake and the extent of the earth’s tolerance to build a building. The focus is on the basic terms and conditions for design and construction, all urban and civil studies in terms of urban criteria, etc., which, after conducting studies and research, and completing the zero phase of architecture, we reach the next phase

    The next stage of the architecture phase is the initial design of the architecture, which we will discuss in more detail later. Next, we will proceed to the phase two architecture and the preparation of architectural details and drawings. Design Zero Architecture Phase or Architectural Studies Zero Architecture Phases include architectural studies. In Zero Frame Architecture Knowledge of the area and items such as climate, area architecture requirements, rules and regulations, frameworks and standards, as well as careful consideration of soil engineering issues such as soil testing and so on are of great importance. For example, if we do not get good results in the study of the soil and geotechnical status of an area, even the feasibility of the architectural process is raised, or in many cities around the world, high-level constraints, plus traditional texture, are relevant to soil testing. The area is protected to a certain degree depending on the weakness or strength of the ground

    Phase zero architecture is the stage in which the desired information is acquired and the project identification and identification process is studied. In the zero phase of architecture, the project is examined in terms of technical and economic justification as well as the social justification of the architectural project. The information and understanding required in the zero phase of architecture is in many cases obtained through negotiations with the employer and being aware of the needs of the employer

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