
Catholic Church of St. Peter

Catholic Church of St. Peter
Location: Vatican
The Church of St. Peter is the most famous church in the world. St. Peter is one of the disciples buried in this church, and for the continuation of this tradition, the popes are buried in this church after death.
The construction of the current building was started in 1506 and completed in 1626.
The design and construction of St. Peter’s decoration was carried out by the greatest experts and artists of the day, such as Michelangelo, Alberti, Rafael and ….
From the nineteenth century, Christian churches came together with the arts of architecture, sculpture and painting. Also, a variety of decorative arts including colored glasses, fine art and miniature paintings were also welcomed and all of this was in line with the propagation of Christianity.
The building is 137 meters high and covers an area of ​​152400 square meters, with a capacity of 60,000 people.
The main designer of the major part of this church, which we now see is the design of the Angle Michel, but many designers and architects were involved in this project. Finally, Brennya, a young architect, assumed the completion of the project, and underneath the dome, which has four columns of spiral Tedis consisted of four angels and one of the masterpieces of the world’s architecture.

Catholic Church of St. Peter
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