
Image of the National Congress of Endangered Persons of Industry, Mines and Trade, dated May 5, 2018

The National Congress of National Symbols of Industry, Mine and Trade, which was held on May 5, 2018, in the Hall of the Islamic Broadcasting Symposium, was presented at the National Congress of the National Congress to the Managing Director of Pey Khak Boom Engineering Consulting.

Image of the National Congress of Endangered Persons of Industry, Mines and Trade, dated May 5, 2018
Image of the National Congress of Endangered Persons of Industry, Mines and Trade, dated May 5, 2018
Image of the National Congress of Endangered Persons of Industry, Mines and Trade, dated May 5, 2018
Image of the National Congress of Endangered Persons of Industry, Mines and Trade, dated May 5, 2018
Image of the National Congress of Endangered Persons of Industry, Mines and Trade, dated May 5, 2018
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Visit of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, to the project of the development project of the Motahari Hospital of Oroomie on the 9th of September, 2018 .
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