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It’s still a few days left to finish the year, and book of the Year 1393 will be closed forever.

But a glimpse at our start-up company, shows that we’ve been up and down this year, but whatever it was, the year 93 was a jump for our company and our partners.

In the past year, the company has been developing in various structural and functional fields, and it is much more than happy that we were able to take a step in the worst economic conditions of the country. This small step, of course, is a sign of the great efforts of every single loved one who is in different categories are operating with all of their endeavour.

Dear friends and colleagues in the departments – Designing and monitoring – With the help and sympathy, we were able to make a good leap. Good job to all the members and I hope that in the year 1394 there will be more successes in the field of working and science.

And as we aim to build, we will try to build Iran for a brighter future.

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Final Session of the Project on Cultural and Religious Complex Next to Aftab Exhibition
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