
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West

Today, 15/11/2017, the sense of kindness and sympathy with the quake-stricken countrymen of the country in the company has been beautifully manifested and all the personnel and managers of the company are fully utilized and thanks to the support and trust of the dear friends and people of the two trucks. The destination of the sweet palace came and Mr. Abrishami along with a number of friends along with the equipment went to the remote villages of the border so that the items collected would be damaged by the dear people of the compatriots so that it might be a matter of deep wounding. God, keep this earth and earth away from any disaster

Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
Today, 15/11/2017 manifestation of a sense of altruism and sympathy with earthquake-stricken fellow countrymen in the West
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