
Visit of Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company, from Isar Shahrood Swimming Pool Complex on Saturday, 7/10/2017

Visit of Mr. Rahimian, CEO, and Mr. Hojjatoleslam and Al-Moslemim Fereidoun, General Manager of the Martyrs and Martyrs’ Affairs Department of Semnan Province, from the project of the Isfahan Sports Complex Pool of Shahroud on Saturday, 7/10/2017
In this visit, Mr. Shok’ruyan, Deputy Minister of Development Management and Resources, Mr. Arasteh, Head of the Technical Office of the Foundation, as well as Mr. Moshfeq, Director of the Company’s Supervisory Board, and the Managing Director and Board of Directors of Arya Banaye Koomesh, Project Contractor and Presence Observers They were discussing and expediting the work of the executive, and was visited by the skeleton construction company.

Visit of Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company, from Isar Shahrood Swimming Pool Complex on Saturday, 7/10/2017
Visit of Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company, from Isar Shahrood Swimming Pool Complex on Saturday, 7/10/2017
Visit of Mr. Mohammad Rahimian, CEO of the company, from Isar Shahrood Swimming Pool Complex on Saturday, 7/10/2017
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Visiting the 6000-person salon project and the Qazvin Athletics and Exercise Hall, 19/4/2018
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