
Types of formatting in foundation implementation

The foundation or foundation of a building is one of the essential components of any structure and its task is to withstand the pressure caused by the columns and transfer this force to the ground. According to the type of structure and the location where it is to be carried out, the construction is performed under different conditions to provide the strength and strength of the structure. The foundation is the first stage of construction and the standards required for its implementation must be met. In previous posts, the builder introduced the types of building foundations, and now we are going to explain the foundation formatting for you. Stay with us.

Foundation formatting
In molding foundations, wood, metal, and brick molds are used, each with its own unique characteristics. In the formatting system, different panels are used for formatting, which can be created in different shapes depending on the type of structure and the execution plan. The foundation for the building after excavation needs to be axed and the mold positioned on the ground to allow the foundation to be laid. Among the points to consider in formatting a foundation are the following:

The molds need to be firmly fixed and secured.
Consideration of the dimensions of the foundation is very important in choosing the mold.
The molds should be designed and manufactured so that they can be easily installed or opened quickly and easily. This will save you considerable time and money.
Appropriate sealing should be done to prevent the loss of concrete sap.
Mold oil should be used to improve the quality of concrete surface and mold strength.
Molds must be of high durability so that they can withstand the pressure and loads without breaking or squeezing the concrete.
When considering whether a foundation is a facade, attention must be paid to determining the quality of building materials and formatting.
The molding and mounting of the molds must be such that the dimensions, shape and appearance of the concrete are achieved.
Placing the foundation and adhering to the cover of reinforcement are also important points in forming a foundation.
Templates must be selected in such a way that they can be transported and accommodated with available facilities.
The templates used to lay the foundation include:

Metal molding
Metal molds have better strength and surface roughness than wood and brick molds. Nowadays, these types of molds are among the most common molds used in building construction because they can be easily transported and used in any type of operating system. The advantages of metal molding include high durability, ease of connection, high speed of operation, reusability and high productivity. Metal projects are the best option in projects where the dimensions and dimensions are low but the workload is high. Although the initial price of these molds is expensive, they are long lasting and can be used for many years. In order to prevent adverse weather effects on these molds, they should be even insulated.

Types of formatting in foundation implementation

Metal Mold Components
What are known as metal molding components are various components for concrete molding. These components can be different in different projects. Examples of metallic mold components include cast iron bolt, case washer, ball strap, coarse-grained metal longitudinal clamp, double screw jack and so on.

Brick molding
This type of mold is used around the foundation, and after the concrete has been retained, remains in the desired location and is considered a permanent mold. To prevent the concrete from being squeezed by brick, a layer of nylon sheet before the concrete is required. Finish install on the wall, otherwise the bricks should be thoroughly sprayed. However, when spraying, the fact that water should not accumulate in molds should be kept in mind.

In this type of formatting, the boundaries of the structural axes and molds must be specified by the surveyor. To avoid the slightest error in performing this type of formatting, it is advisable to nail the corners of the axes and templates and paint the border of the molds after it has been marked with a string. In addition, the ground surface must have a uniform alignment, which is done by mapping. When brick molding, a thin layer of cement must be applied to the inner wall of the mold, but plastic can also be used if not. The back of the brick mold can be filled with dirt.

Wooden Molding
The wooden mold, as its name implies, is made of wood. Molds are made enough to be transported to the desired location. Concrete molding in these molds requires sufficient care to prevent damage to their edges. Wooden molds are lighter in weight than metal molds, but their resistance to moisture is not high. The benefits of this type of mold include ease of execution and connections, low thermal coefficient and light weight. The only disadvantage of not using a wooden mold more than 3 times.

Concrete Molding
What should be taken into account in concrete molding is the strength of the molds and their proper bracing. To increase the durability of the scaffold, the use of longitudinal and transverse straps is required. Concrete molding should be designed to prevent the concrete from getting out of them. Molds must be cool to run concrete. If the formatting is hot, it reduces the quality of the concrete and changes its color. This causes the concrete to lose its proper shape.

What is a Modular Mold?
Another name for the concrete mold is the modular mold. This type of molding is manufactured in various sizes and is used in the molding of concrete structures.

Concrete mold fittings
Parts are needed to connect the concrete mold and create a suitable concrete structure. Components needed to do this are clamps, medium and long clamps, tube-to-tube clamps, ballet, cane ball, medium clamp, cast iron bracket and so on.

Types of formatting in foundation implementation

Ubot template
The Ubot mold is used to create a hole in the concrete slab. Doing so can remove inefficient concrete and help lighten the slab. There are generally four models of Ubot templates, including single Ubot templates, Double Ubot templates, Inflatable UI templates, and Polystyrene Ubot templates.

Price of Ubot template
Buying a Ubot template is very affordable. Because this template is not particularly complex in structure. What is impressive about the price of the mold on the ceiling is the height of the mold. Other factors affecting the price of the Ubot template are project metrics.
Waffle template
One of the modern structures that can be used in construction is the waffle mold. The Waffle mold is an example of ceiling molds. These lattice-like molds cover a large part of the ceiling. Using these molds will not harm the construction equipment. These molds are cube-shaped and hollow. The benefits of using these molds include earthquake safety, fire resistance, sound and heat insulation, removal of blocks and joists, and reduced costs for fitting and molding. There are also disadvantages to using these templates. For example, since waffles are lightweight, it is not possible to use them in areas with high winds. It also needs proper soil to fill its molds.

Run the waffle template
Waffle molding is simple and requires no special equipment. In general, the steps to implement a waffle roof include roof cushioning, waffle molding, roof reinforcement, concrete casting and molding.

Buy Waffle Molds and Price Waffle Mold Molds
The price of waffle mold depends on several factors including the dimensions of the mold and its types. When purchasing waffle molds, you must first specify the types you want. Waffle molds are available in a variety of one-way and two-way molds, each priced differently.

Slider format
Slider Mold or Slider Mold is an example of formatting methods in which the mold moves forward or upwards at regular intervals. In this molding method, the surface of the sliding mold is in contact with the concrete and is not detached and, as the name implies, slides over the concrete. Types of formatting in foundation implementation

Metal mold for concrete
An example is the best form of molding in a concrete metal molding foundation. Because this type of formatting is more robust than other types. Other uses of metallic concrete are projects where the depth of foundation is very high.

Column template
In general, it can be said that the column is an important part of a structure and therefore its accuracy is very important, especially in the event of an earthquake. Column molds consist of two main components. These two components include mold walls or metal panels and coils or shackles.

Molding board
The use of molding boards is particularly important in the construction of concrete buildings. Since the concrete is smooth before being hardened, it needs mold to form. The use of molding boards was more common in the past and today the use of metal molding has somewhat reduced their use. The advantage of using molding boards is compared to metal molding. For example, using a molding board is less expensive and cost effective than a metal molding. Since these molds are lighter in weight, they have a higher velocity for the mold. Note to use quality formwork boards. Because if the boards are not of a good quality, they cannot withstand the weight of the concrete and this will cause the deformation of the concrete. Molding boards are used in molding foundations, column molding, main beam molding and ceiling molding.

Molding equipment
Required formatting equipment can include cane bolt, double-ended bolt, mid-bolt, double tube washer, cassette washer, long clamp, medium clamp, cast iron seal, metal seal, cast iron bolt, ceiling jack Ceiling, threaded jack jack, adjustable ceiling jack base and adjustable ceiling jack.

Architectural concrete molding
Since contemporary architecture requires different forms of texture and surface finish, the use of such material is particularly important. Therefore, the use of concrete can meet this need. In this regard, a concept is defined as architectural concrete. Architectural concrete is visible on the interior and exterior surfaces of the structure and therefore its appearance is important. One of the important processes in concrete structures is the use of formwork. Complexity of structures increases the need for special molds. This special method is designed for architectural concrete molding. What is important in the design of architectural concrete molding is the use of suitable material for its construction.

Important points in the foundation vector
When formatting, a number of things should be considered, including:

If the molding is removed before the maintenance period is completed, concrete care must be taken after molding.
The molding should be done step by step and should not be hit. Sudden loads and impacts should not be introduced to prevent concrete damage.
The mold should be removed when the concrete is able to withstand the forces and not deform.
Bearing molds and supports should not be removed until the concrete components are sufficient to withstand their loads and loads.

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