Hand shake
Some workers may shake hands because of the constant use of some tools. Prevention of hand tremor is inevitable. Early symptoms include tingling or numbness in the fingers. If left untreated, the function of the nerve will be disrupted and the person will not be able to get the necessary tools or even a glass of water.
Toxic substances in the air
Many lung diseases are caused by the presence of toxins in the air. Although dust and pollution from construction are not the main cause, they will not be ineffective. The problem is that the effects of these substances on human breathing take years, and when a person suffers from shortness of breath or pulmonary problems, he or she begins to think about using personal protective equipment. Some of the main causes of lung and respiratory diseases that occur in the workplace are as follows:
Dust from stone milling, collecting construction debris and cleaning project site
Inhaled isocyanates used in the manufacture of paints, varnishes, adhesives, flooring, insulation and more
Particles caused by wood cutting
Asbestos or asbestos fibers are used as insulators in building materials because of their high heat resistance. About 5% of lung diseases are related to these toxic fibers. This material is reported to have been used in 5 of the UK’s public buildings. Refractory cotton fibers are very dangerous and can lead to respiratory diseases.
Sudden collapse
Many of the accidents that happen to workers during work are caused by sudden falls. People exposed to drilling and digging or forced to work at height are at great risk of falling. Among the things that will lead to the fall of workers are the following:
Loose and unstable soil around the pit
Undermining the integrity of surrounding structures
Crash of materials or equipment due to loose soil