
architecture Iranian the Chartaqi, or Chahartaq

Many historical architectural references are still used in modern projects. Aside from the fact that the techniques of ancient architecture, the use of materials and the relationship between architecture and nature have long been past, but many architects are still interested in this kind of architecture. The Iranian architectural company has left the interior and exterior of the Iranian architecture open to enthusiasts in this field. Chartaqi,or Chahartaq was an outstanding element in Iranian architecture thousands of years ago. This type of architecture was used for many purposes in both secular and religious structures and included four booths above the dome
The main challenge for the office in this project was to find a way to expand the four-body structural system to create a cubic space and erosion at the same time. The semi-dome structures that are connected to each other are based on the structure of the four vaults. The structure of the load from floor to floor Others pass. This system forms a composite spatial quality that stands between the cubic form and the dome-shaped elements

architecture  Iranian the Chartaqi, or Chahartaq
architecture  Iranian the Chartaqi, or Chahartaq
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