
What is concrete slab in construction?

Concrete slab is a type of roof that is integrated into materials such as concrete and steel. This slab is used in the construction of various types of structures and in the construction of deck types of bridges and floors, and its components are rebar and concrete. Concrete slab is most commonly used on the floor and its thickness is between 1 and 2 cm. Slabs that are less thick are used as paving slabs.
Construction of concrete slab
Concrete slabs can be prepared either on site or in a prefabricated form. How to prepare it at the project site is done by the molds in which the concrete paste is poured. Before reinforcing concrete, a series of reinforcing bars are molded and held in place by plastic materials. This allows the bars to be completely covered by concrete. Molds used in concrete slabs are made of plastic, steel or wood plates. Steel and plastic molds are used to build projects where the quality of work is of the utmost importance. In some places, there is no need to use mold, such as floor slabs surrounded by brick walls or bricks, as the walls act as molded tray walls. Unlike the concrete slab that is made at the project site, the prefabricated concrete slab is manufactured at the plant and transported to the project site. The slab support on the structure must be of precise dimensions so that the slabs are correctly installed in place.

Types of concrete slabs
Concrete slab ceiling is implemented in the following types:
One way concrete slab
If the ratio of the larger crater to the smaller crater is greater than 1 and the slab is on the opposite edge, it will be one-sided. In this slab, the loads are transferred in the longitudinal direction. If the supports support the slab on its four sides, the slab is also one-sided. In both cases only reinforcement should be installed along the smaller openings.
Two way concrete slab
If the ratio of the larger crater slab to its smaller crater is less than 1, and the slab is supported by its support on its four sides, it can be bidirectional. In this slab, the main reinforcement should be run in both directions as the force is transmitted in both longitudinal and transverse directions.
Important points when handling and handling concrete slabs
Adequate manpower must be used to pay for concrete slabs to properly handle and process concrete slabs due to the temperature of the concrete and the impact of weather conditions on the concrete.
The land on which the slab is to be run should have a uniform bearing capacity and be properly drained.
The surface of the floor must be moistened with water before concreting, but the surface must be dry when concrete is started.
Concrete should not be poured into molds faster than they can be spread and leveled or stenciled. For this purpose, prior to leveling, the concrete should not be spread over a large surface, nor should the level of concrete be leveled, or the water caused by dropping on the surface should be leveled.
The side moldings and the middle separator must be strong enough to withstand vibrational and mechanical alignment devices. These templates should be carefully positioned with respect to surface finishes and alignment paths.

Concrete slabs are paid in different ways:
Align concrete slab
Alignment means removing excess concrete from the surface in order to achieve proper alignment.

What is concrete slab in construction?

T drawing or drawing
In this method, a T or rod is used to eliminate the surface postures and heights as well as to penetrate the coarse grains into the concrete slabs. This is done after the alignment operation.
Edging and sealing
Edging is required during all separation joints on the outer concrete slabs and on the floors such as car rails and sidewalks. Edging causes the adjoining concrete slab to condense, which increases the strength of the concrete slab against decay and crushing.
Financial board
After the edging and sealing is completed, the concrete surface should be smooth and smooth by board or metal grooves or electric grooves.
Stretching is done to create a smooth, dense surface. Metal waxing should be done after the financial board.
Vacuum cleaner
After hardening the concrete slab, a vacuum cleaner is used to create a durable slip surface. To do this, the surface must be tough enough to be able to hold imprinted lines.
Benefits of concrete slab ceiling
Among the benefits of this type of concrete roof are the following:
Its implementation will significantly reduce the consumption of materials such as cement, water, steel, aggregates, etc.
This roof is highly resistant to fire and heat.
Its longevity is high, so the building lasts many years.
Concrete slab roof top speed is high.
This roof is well-treated against high shear forces, so it is stronger against earthquakes than other structures.
It is a kind of sound insulation.
Selecting a slab roof can save on shipping costs.
Its creep is acceptable and its shear and bending strength are high.

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