• hopkins-architects-win-competition


    The MK:U International Design Competition today announced that the international team led by London-based Hopkins Architects was unanimously selected by the referees as the winner of their new model university competition launched in early 2019. MK:U is one of the major projects planned for Milton Keynes’s near future to develop the city’s economy to gain new competition. Designed to meet the needs of the digital age, it is designed to meet the needs of the 21st-century workplace and for future careers in emerging fields. It has attracted 257 solo companies from all over the world. Hopkins’ design proposal was chosen by Hopkins Architects largely because of the clarity of concept and the collaborative approach of the international team of experts. It illustrates an open green neighborhood, a logical series of academic stands and a friendly pedestrian space. At the heart of the project is the spectacular geometric lecture theater, enclosed in a giant glass lobby, welcoming newcomers. This proposed project was opened to its first undergraduate students in 2023. Hopkins’s design honors Milton Keynes’s urban design principles, reinterprets the concept of the city’s original block

  • Sports Recreational Project of Water and Wastewater Company of District

    Sports Recreational Project of Water and Wastewater Company of District

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    nternational Services and Company Registration in the UK, PKB Engineering consulting
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    Our services include studies, design, supervision, interior design, contracts
    Our projects include commercial project, sports project, office and residential project, health care project, urban planning and urban space project and cultural and religious education project

    Sports Recreational Project of Water and Wastewater Company of District
  • News and information about utrecht-creates-friendly-bus

    News and information about utrecht-creates-friendly-bus

    The Utrecht City Council, in collaboration with the Advertising Agency, has turned 316 bus stations around the city into “Beehive Stations”. This implementation involves the installation of green roofs on bus stations and the creation of friendly hive spaces for endangered species. This project is carried out by the RBEO Company, open air and open channel, which provides station management and management It carries a bus, the goal of this project is to create a healthy living environment for everyone. Green ceilings help with good dust recording, storing rainwater and cooling air. They also provide biodiversity in the city, a bonus for insects like bees. Bees are endangered species in the Netherlands and many parts throughout Europe. The project recognized their value in the ecosystem of the country. In addition to the stations, 316 buses with Sodom roofs, 96 solar panels and all stops have LED lights and Bamboo seats. This project is part of Utrecht’s goal as a fully circular city by 2050. By the end of this year, using the world’s largest bee hotel, the company will install a bee flies in the city

    News and information about utrecht-creates-friendly-bus
    News and information about utrecht-creates-friendly-bus
  • oma-wins-competition-to-design


    He won the competition to design a new international  financial center in Shenzhen, China. The company is called Interface, the project is a combination of large conference rooms with a 400-room hall and public programs. IFEC located on the coastline of Qianhai, a new region in the Delta River of Pearl River, has been designed to create a boat lantern for sailing along the 21st Century Marine Marine Design Conference to host an international conference and international exchange center from the 7 International Selector Architectural Companies Has been. Its design team is run by Chris Wen along with the designer of the Cologne Huang project. As the team announces, the series acts as a connector between the main public transportation center of Qianhai and the waterfall park, which links various sections of ionization through a common public and cultural program. The design consists of three separate sessions: a low-level conference center with terraces exposed to the park. The hotel is located at the top of the conference center, is a three-dimensional polydroxy and the third volume includes hotel facilities and public areas. It is located in the commercial center. TA large urban atrium brings the public domain to the heart of the complex, with a foyer for both the conference center and the hotel. The urban atrium can be separately programmed for cultural events, strengthening the relationship between the professional domain and public life in Qianhai. IFEC will be the fourth OMA building currently developed in Shenzhen. The competition entry was a collaboration between OMA and CCDI

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