• Take the safety of your building seriously to prevent accidents at home

    Take the safety of your building seriously to prevent accidents at home

    Many of the buildings in which we live today lack security and safety; as a result, many people are constantly experiencing insecurity at home. Building safety has always been an important part of construction, and using the best equipment and the highest level of knowledge in the field can save the lives of thousands and even millions. Incidents that can endanger the safety of the building and our family members are not the only unexpected events such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc.; in fact, failure to comply with building safety principles can endanger the lives of any occupants .
    Now you might be asked what are the key things to keep safe at home? Is there a way to increase the safety of your building and your living space? What are the safety factors in a building? And many similar questions. In this article we seek to answer the above questions.
    Building Safety Assessment

    To answer these questions, we first need to evaluate the safety of the building. These evaluations are based on a variety of factors, such as structural strength assessment, fire protection system evaluation, systems such as elevators, automatic doors, stairs and so on.

    Currently, there is a set of standards that can help to some extent ensure building safety. In fact, the safety of buildings is divided into three categories: high risk, low risk and intermediate risk. The assessment for building safety is based on international standards and therefore high-risk buildings should be inspected annually, at least once every 10 years, and once every 3 years.
    Building safety assessment can be done by the fire department. In addition, experts and engineers can be consulted to find out the strength of the building and its safety principles. One of the issues to consider for building safety against unexpected events is, for example, earthquakes, the building’s distance from faults, and for storms and floods, its distance from sea level.

    Earthquake safety

    Earthquake is one of the unexpected events that threaten our country every day and endanger millions of lives. As a result, maintaining the safety and soundness of buildings is of great importance. Construction techniques can have a huge impact on earthquake mortality and mortality.

    The most dangerous structures from earthquake point of view are buildings made of brick block or cordless block. This type of construction has walls made of brick overlaid with mortar. In these structures, the roof weight is transferred directly to the base through the walls. When this type of construction is affected by the force of the earthquake, walls and ceilings will fall.

    Take the safety of your building seriously to prevent accidents at home

    Fire prevention

    Another incident that could threaten the safety of our building and our living space is the fire. In order to prevent a fire in the building, it is necessary to make a point.
    Power problem:
    One of the building safety principles is the power cables. Many older buildings have damaged or damaged electrical or wiring systems. Get expert help with checking and building electrical systems.
    Do not use a power outlet to connect multiple home appliances (by a tee). For example, the refrigerator should be connected directly to a separate outlet. Problems with the operation of a home appliance can indicate a serious problem with the building’s electrical system.

    Kitchen Safety Tips:
    Do not place the pot or pan on light gas when you are about to leave the house. Microwaves, like gas, have a fire hazard and should not be turned on without being at home. Place the lid on the stove so that the child does not have access. If the handles are plastic, make sure it does not fit on the adjacent flame.
    Installation of fire alarm system:
    One of the simplest, yet safest, measures to be taken to increase building safety is to install a fire alarm in each room and hallway. The system is sensitive to smoke and alerts quickly when a fire occurs. This system should be replaced every 10 years, remember the date of replacement when installing the system.

    Fire extinguisher:
    Fire extinguisher capsules can be considered as one of the most important principles in building safety and preventing major fires. Make a fire extinguisher and place it where all family members are aware. Also teach your children how to use this capsule. If you want to put the capsule in your kitchen, it is best to be about a meter away from the stove. It is recommended to have at least one fire extinguisher in your home, work and personal car.

    The safety of a building can substantially provide us with peace of mind. Therefore, compliance with building safety principles must first be closely observed and monitored by contractors and supervisors. But the role of the individual in the home environment is also very important and can be a source of health for the family.

    01/06/2020 By smart dg land news arch
  • Types of formatting in foundation implementation

    Types of formatting in foundation implementation

    The foundation or foundation of a building is one of the essential components of any structure and its task is to withstand the pressure caused by the columns and transfer this force to the ground. According to the type of structure and the location where it is to be carried out, the construction is performed under different conditions to provide the strength and strength of the structure. The foundation is the first stage of construction and the standards required for its implementation must be met. In previous posts, the builder introduced the types of building foundations, and now we are going to explain the foundation formatting for you. Stay with us.

    Foundation formatting
    In molding foundations, wood, metal, and brick molds are used, each with its own unique characteristics. In the formatting system, different panels are used for formatting, which can be created in different shapes depending on the type of structure and the execution plan. The foundation for the building after excavation needs to be axed and the mold positioned on the ground to allow the foundation to be laid. Among the points to consider in formatting a foundation are the following:

    The molds need to be firmly fixed and secured.
    Consideration of the dimensions of the foundation is very important in choosing the mold.
    The molds should be designed and manufactured so that they can be easily installed or opened quickly and easily. This will save you considerable time and money.
    Appropriate sealing should be done to prevent the loss of concrete sap.
    Mold oil should be used to improve the quality of concrete surface and mold strength.
    Molds must be of high durability so that they can withstand the pressure and loads without breaking or squeezing the concrete.
    When considering whether a foundation is a facade, attention must be paid to determining the quality of building materials and formatting.
    The molding and mounting of the molds must be such that the dimensions, shape and appearance of the concrete are achieved.
    Placing the foundation and adhering to the cover of reinforcement are also important points in forming a foundation.
    Templates must be selected in such a way that they can be transported and accommodated with available facilities.
    The templates used to lay the foundation include:

    Metal molding
    Metal molds have better strength and surface roughness than wood and brick molds. Nowadays, these types of molds are among the most common molds used in building construction because they can be easily transported and used in any type of operating system. The advantages of metal molding include high durability, ease of connection, high speed of operation, reusability and high productivity. Metal projects are the best option in projects where the dimensions and dimensions are low but the workload is high. Although the initial price of these molds is expensive, they are long lasting and can be used for many years. In order to prevent adverse weather effects on these molds, they should be even insulated.

    Types of formatting in foundation implementation

    Metal Mold Components
    What are known as metal molding components are various components for concrete molding. These components can be different in different projects. Examples of metallic mold components include cast iron bolt, case washer, ball strap, coarse-grained metal longitudinal clamp, double screw jack and so on.

    Brick molding
    This type of mold is used around the foundation, and after the concrete has been retained, remains in the desired location and is considered a permanent mold. To prevent the concrete from being squeezed by brick, a layer of nylon sheet before the concrete is required. Finish install on the wall, otherwise the bricks should be thoroughly sprayed. However, when spraying, the fact that water should not accumulate in molds should be kept in mind.

    In this type of formatting, the boundaries of the structural axes and molds must be specified by the surveyor. To avoid the slightest error in performing this type of formatting, it is advisable to nail the corners of the axes and templates and paint the border of the molds after it has been marked with a string. In addition, the ground surface must have a uniform alignment, which is done by mapping. When brick molding, a thin layer of cement must be applied to the inner wall of the mold, but plastic can also be used if not. The back of the brick mold can be filled with dirt.

    Wooden Molding
    The wooden mold, as its name implies, is made of wood. Molds are made enough to be transported to the desired location. Concrete molding in these molds requires sufficient care to prevent damage to their edges. Wooden molds are lighter in weight than metal molds, but their resistance to moisture is not high. The benefits of this type of mold include ease of execution and connections, low thermal coefficient and light weight. The only disadvantage of not using a wooden mold more than 3 times.

    Concrete Molding
    What should be taken into account in concrete molding is the strength of the molds and their proper bracing. To increase the durability of the scaffold, the use of longitudinal and transverse straps is required. Concrete molding should be designed to prevent the concrete from getting out of them. Molds must be cool to run concrete. If the formatting is hot, it reduces the quality of the concrete and changes its color. This causes the concrete to lose its proper shape.

    What is a Modular Mold?
    Another name for the concrete mold is the modular mold. This type of molding is manufactured in various sizes and is used in the molding of concrete structures.

    Concrete mold fittings
    Parts are needed to connect the concrete mold and create a suitable concrete structure. Components needed to do this are clamps, medium and long clamps, tube-to-tube clamps, ballet, cane ball, medium clamp, cast iron bracket and so on.

    Types of formatting in foundation implementation

    Ubot template
    The Ubot mold is used to create a hole in the concrete slab. Doing so can remove inefficient concrete and help lighten the slab. There are generally four models of Ubot templates, including single Ubot templates, Double Ubot templates, Inflatable UI templates, and Polystyrene Ubot templates.

    Price of Ubot template
    Buying a Ubot template is very affordable. Because this template is not particularly complex in structure. What is impressive about the price of the mold on the ceiling is the height of the mold. Other factors affecting the price of the Ubot template are project metrics.
    Waffle template
    One of the modern structures that can be used in construction is the waffle mold. The Waffle mold is an example of ceiling molds. These lattice-like molds cover a large part of the ceiling. Using these molds will not harm the construction equipment. These molds are cube-shaped and hollow. The benefits of using these molds include earthquake safety, fire resistance, sound and heat insulation, removal of blocks and joists, and reduced costs for fitting and molding. There are also disadvantages to using these templates. For example, since waffles are lightweight, it is not possible to use them in areas with high winds. It also needs proper soil to fill its molds.

    Run the waffle template
    Waffle molding is simple and requires no special equipment. In general, the steps to implement a waffle roof include roof cushioning, waffle molding, roof reinforcement, concrete casting and molding.

    Buy Waffle Molds and Price Waffle Mold Molds
    The price of waffle mold depends on several factors including the dimensions of the mold and its types. When purchasing waffle molds, you must first specify the types you want. Waffle molds are available in a variety of one-way and two-way molds, each priced differently.

    Slider format
    Slider Mold or Slider Mold is an example of formatting methods in which the mold moves forward or upwards at regular intervals. In this molding method, the surface of the sliding mold is in contact with the concrete and is not detached and, as the name implies, slides over the concrete. Types of formatting in foundation implementation

    Metal mold for concrete
    An example is the best form of molding in a concrete metal molding foundation. Because this type of formatting is more robust than other types. Other uses of metallic concrete are projects where the depth of foundation is very high.

    Column template
    In general, it can be said that the column is an important part of a structure and therefore its accuracy is very important, especially in the event of an earthquake. Column molds consist of two main components. These two components include mold walls or metal panels and coils or shackles.

    Molding board
    The use of molding boards is particularly important in the construction of concrete buildings. Since the concrete is smooth before being hardened, it needs mold to form. The use of molding boards was more common in the past and today the use of metal molding has somewhat reduced their use. The advantage of using molding boards is compared to metal molding. For example, using a molding board is less expensive and cost effective than a metal molding. Since these molds are lighter in weight, they have a higher velocity for the mold. Note to use quality formwork boards. Because if the boards are not of a good quality, they cannot withstand the weight of the concrete and this will cause the deformation of the concrete. Molding boards are used in molding foundations, column molding, main beam molding and ceiling molding.

    Molding equipment
    Required formatting equipment can include cane bolt, double-ended bolt, mid-bolt, double tube washer, cassette washer, long clamp, medium clamp, cast iron seal, metal seal, cast iron bolt, ceiling jack Ceiling, threaded jack jack, adjustable ceiling jack base and adjustable ceiling jack.

    Architectural concrete molding
    Since contemporary architecture requires different forms of texture and surface finish, the use of such material is particularly important. Therefore, the use of concrete can meet this need. In this regard, a concept is defined as architectural concrete. Architectural concrete is visible on the interior and exterior surfaces of the structure and therefore its appearance is important. One of the important processes in concrete structures is the use of formwork. Complexity of structures increases the need for special molds. This special method is designed for architectural concrete molding. What is important in the design of architectural concrete molding is the use of suitable material for its construction.

    Important points in the foundation vector
    When formatting, a number of things should be considered, including:

    If the molding is removed before the maintenance period is completed, concrete care must be taken after molding.
    The molding should be done step by step and should not be hit. Sudden loads and impacts should not be introduced to prevent concrete damage.
    The mold should be removed when the concrete is able to withstand the forces and not deform.
    Bearing molds and supports should not be removed until the concrete components are sufficient to withstand their loads and loads.

  • Types of building foundations based on consumables

    Types of building foundations based on consumables

    The foundation of a building, called the foundation or foundation, is the part of the structure that is in contact with the soil and, as a load member, carries the weight of the building to the ground. The foundation stabilizes the structure and prevents it from falling. The connection of a building to the ground is made by the founders and is located between the building and the ground. The foundations are designed and constructed based on the soil properties beneath them and the weight of the structure. Imagining a building without a foundation is impossible because the absence of a foundation leads to a landfall and the structure cracks. The foundations increase building resistance against loads such as the weight of walls, columns, ceilings, wind and earthquakes. They distribute the excess load to the building and transport it to the ground. Pieces are categorized into different types according to the materials consumed and the method of manufacture. In this post by the builder, we first introduce the types of foundations and its reinforcement and then introduce the types of foundations based on consumables.

    What is a foundation?
    The foundation is one of the first and most basic stages of construction whereby the weight of the building is transferred from the pillars used in construction to the ground and surrounding soil. The type and dimensions of the foundation vary according to the type of building used and the amount of forces applied, the type of soil, and the climatic conditions and are divided into three categories: surface foundation, deep foundation, and special foundation. Below we will explain each of them.

    Types of building foundations based on consumables

    Surface foundation
    Surface foundation is one of the most common foundations used in construction. The way this foundation works is generally less than their width. In the implementation of surface foundation, the excavation process is first carried out and the foundation is passed through inappropriate surface layers. If there is a need for underground floor construction, more drilling will be done.

    Deep foundation
    As its name implies, this foundation is executed in deep layers. Surface soils do not have the strength needed to withstand the forces involved. Therefore, the depth of the work must be such that the force is transferred to the hard layers beneath. In general, deep foundation is divided into two categories: thick system and candle foundation system.

    Candle Foundation
    The most common types of deep foundations are candle foundations. The candle is called a tall, columnar structure that is small in diameter and thin. By placing it inside the soil, this structure transfers the weight of the structure to the underside of the soil. The candle foundation itself is divided into three categories: throwing candle, thrown candle and thrown candle.

    Concrete, steel, and wood are used in the construction of the candle-piercing foundation. These piles are pre-made structures that are installed on the site after manufacture. Candle

    In-molding is also known as concrete pile. Implementation of this foundation model is that the pile will create a hole inside the hole to the required depth and then fill the hole with concrete. Such foundations are both accessible and executable. An example of these foundations is that the piles are dug directly. Another example is that the candles must be molded first and then used in the execution. These candles have one or more protrusions and are also known as flat candles.

    The third category of candle foundations called molded candle holders has the same benefits as bump candle and molded candle.

    Thickness systems for deep foundation implementation include deep foundations and kaisons. This system is used to build heavy structures such as bridge stands and oil rigs.

    Special Foundation
    Special foundations include floating foundations, cell and shell foundations, and steel or profile foundations.

    Floating foundations are used when deep layers are segregated or weak. Cellular and shell foundations are used based on the required function, the shape of the foundation, the hardness of the underground floors. Steel foundations or profiles are used to build structures that have high force output and are hard and rock based.

    Types of building foundations based on consumables

    Foundation reinforcement
    Reinforcement is one of the most important components in concrete buildings. Proper implementation of reinforcement is of great importance and sensitivity. Because in many cases the foundation resistance is provided by reinforcement. There are important points in performing the reinforcement that should be given special attention. For example, it should be noted that no rust or oil impregnated reinforcement should be used. Therefore, they should be examined before use.

    Reinforcement is divided into two categories: longitudinal or main reinforcement and transverse or bent reinforcement. Transverse reinforcements or hammocks are used to maintain longitudinal reinforcement. Their use also prevents bending of longitudinal reinforcement by pressure. Other notable considerations are the use of proper spacing. This should be a maximum of 1 cm. Failure to observe the proper distance may cause the concrete to fall.

    The longitudinal reinforcement is applied horizontally in two rows above and below the foundation. When performing longitudinal reinforcement, care must be taken to prevent rust and corrosion.

    Types of building foundations based on consumables

    Foundation Vault
    The base armature used to fasten the upper armature is known as the arch. Therefore, it can be said that the importance of using arches is to maintain the temporary stability of the upper reinforcement. The height and width of the pedestals, the width of the vault and their distance from each other should be determined based on the dimensions of the foundation and with regard to the amount of upper rebar force that supports the weight of the arch. In order to prevent the arches from getting out during concrete installation and when reinforcing them, their spacing must be properly selected.

    The stone foundation
    The stone foundation is made of various types of stone as its name implies. Natural stones are used to make this kind of foundation, but not every stone is suitable. The stone used for foundations must be healthy and have a smooth surface, as rough and circular stones make the building loose and unstable. The stone foundations have a wider surface than the wall on which they are made, using two types of mortar. If the load on the foundations is high, cement sand mortar is used but for low loads, mud and lime mortar are used. Affordable stones are readily available for foundry making and can be made easily. Stone foundations are used in single-storey structures and in the enclosure walls.

    Concrete foundation
    Concrete is one of the strongest and most durable building materials that can be used to build the foundation for structural stability. In fact, the best type of foundation are concrete foundations, so today the buildings are laid with reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete is used in the construction of concrete and metal skeleton structures. This type of foundation is made of stairs, sloping and… and in order to increase its resistance against heavy loads, the concrete base is reinforced with steel bars in two directions. To make the concrete foundation, first cover the floor with concrete or low-concrete cement of 2 cm. In doing so, the soil and the main concrete are separated and the surface is leveled for concreting. Afterwards, the concrete is molded and poured into it, except inside the foundation. The concrete is shaken well and crushed. This action is continued until the concrete has fallen. Finally, after a day of loading on the wake. If using reinforced concrete, concrete should be inserted after the rebar is inserted into the mold.

    Metal wick
    Metallic foundations are used when the soil compressive strength is low and the loads are high. The steel foundations are mainly used for steel columns. The use of metal in the construction of foundations is not economically feasible, hence the rate of construction of reinforced concrete foundations is higher than in steel foundations in the construction industry. To fabricate the wedge with a steel grid, a trench is drilled to a depth of 1 to 2.5 meters, then the floor is regulated. After that, 2cm thick concrete is poured onto the trench and compacted. In addition, a 2 cm layer of low grade concrete is placed on the previous concrete. The steel beams are then spaced at a specified distance on this concrete layer and the gap between them is filled with concrete. The first row of steel beams can also be replaced when necessary. Finally, all parts are filled with concrete and the structure is laid on this foundation.

    You’re looking
    Shafta is a kind of dough made of sand, soil, water and lime. Shafting is one of the simplest types of foundations in construction, often for low-rise buildings made of brick. To perform a honeycomb run, the shaft is first trimmed and then smoothed to a surface of 1 to 2 cm and left for a day to absorb water. They are then crushed and compacted using a weight. This will continue until the desired height is reached.

    Brick foundation
    Bricks are used to build foundations if the building is small and the load on the foundations is low. To save the brick, the foundation can be made as a staircase, in which case the load is transferred to the ground at an angle of 2 degrees. Brick paving is about 1 to 4 cm larger than the wall width.

    01/02/2020 By smart dg land news arch
  • 7 of Iran’s tallest towers

    7 of Iran’s tallest towers

    Until two or three decades ago, less than ten or twelve floors were built, and any building that was taller was a tall tower and a skyscraper. But in the last two decades, with the advent of construction technology and modern materials and methods, we have been able to design and build more high-rise structures and witness high-rise buildings in most major cities in the country. Of course, Iran’s tallest towers are currently located in metropolises.
    Sensitive standards and standards must be adhered to in order for high-rise structures to be constructed securely. Investigations have been started on the type of soil where the maximum weight that it can withstand is established, as well as studying the faults and their hazards. The intensity and direction of the wind are also calculated especially at the highest point of the tower.

    On the other hand, as a commercial or residential tower generates a high population influx, access to the land on which the tower is to be built should also be considered. Each of these and other important issues affects the design, implementation and even the possibility of building a tower on the site in question.
    Unfortunately, in recent years, many commercial and residential towers have been built in large cities that have not met many standards and have turned them into a dangerous time bomb for earthquakes and fires. These buildings have also disrupted the texture of the area and even created access barriers for other residents.
    However, we can find tall structures in Iran that are better positioned and more principled. Below we introduce you to Iran’s tallest towers.

    Milad Tower
    Tehran Milad Tower is 435 meters high and the sixth tallest telecommunication tower in the world and one of the tallest Iranian towers built on a 62-hectare land. Milad is located in the northwest of Tehran and is accessible in three ways: Sheikh Fazlullah Nouri Highway, Hakim Highway and Hemmat Highway.
    Milad Tower, one of the tallest towers in Iran and in the world, has become one of the symbols of the Iranian capital as well as an important center for cultural and leisure events, making it a major tourist attraction. Of course, one of the main uses of this tower, like other high-rise structures in Iran and the world, is to meet Tehran’s telecommunications and television needs.
    The tower has an international convention center with 15 different venues, an open and closed viewing platform, a variety of restaurants, exhibition spaces, the Iranian Museum of Fame, Sky Dome, Dolphins Park, two movie theaters, etc. which make it a low-key center in the field of amusement and entertainment. It has become prosperous in Iran.
    One of the highlights of Milad’s tower design is the crown part, whose exterior is in harmony with traditional Iranian architecture and its engravings.
    Milad Tower construction began after several years of research in the month of January 76, and after 11 years of operation in October 87 was completed.
    Uses of the Milad Tower include:
    Meteorological and traffic control applications
    Creating and expanding access to wireless network
    Creating a tourist attraction

    Tehran International Tower
    It is the tallest residential building and one of Iran’s tallest towers, 162 meters high and built on 56 floors. The Tehran International Tower, designed with three wings and 220,000 square meters of infrastructure. This towering giant comprises 572 residential units, including triplex penthouses.
    Located between the Wise West, Kurdistan and Sheikh Bahai highways, the tower is within easy reach of any part of the city.
    The Tehran International Tower is designed and built according to modern standards and standards. Its designers and builders claim the building can withstand earthquakes measuring up to ten. Therefore, this huge building is Iran’s most earthquake-resistant residential tower.
    Each wing of the tower presents a different perspective of Tehran. Residents of the units have services such as energy management, internal computer network, CCTV, fire extinguisher, central TV antenna and elevator traffic control system.
    On the ground floor of the tower there are 17 commercial units that serve the welfare and comfort of its inhabitants. There are two dedicated tennis courts and full sports facilities. There are also thousands of indoor parking with concrete skeleton and retaining walls for the residents of the tower.
    Although high-rise construction in Iran has grown significantly in recent years, it remains one of the tallest towers in the country.

    7 of Iran's tallest towers

    Tabriz World Trade Center
    The building is 37 stories high and 157 meters high and was built in Valiasr town of Tabriz. This structure, which is one of the tallest towers in Iran, has a number of features and new features that we refer to in some respects:
    The first building is the Free Plan.
    The tallest commercial-service-tourism tower in the country.
    It is the first building in the country to be executed with a special ceramic paneled facade.
    Iran’s first high tower is equipped with earthquake-absorbing viscous dampers.
    It is the first tower built in the country with built-in R-PC technology.

    The Tabriz World Trade Center has three entrances, including the western entrance to Shariati Street next to Yas Park, the eastern entrance to Parvin Etesami Square to Safa Street and the southern entrance to Lida Street. The tower has 1,500 indoor parking units and many open parking spaces so that visitors do not get into trouble.
    The Tabriz World Trade Center tower has offices besides telecommunications, bank branches, offices of domestic and international companies, conference hall, turntable and more. The center opened in May 2006 and provides services to visitors.

    Middle East Swan Diamond Tower
    This controversial modern project was built in Motel Qu in Mazandaran Province and is in many ways outstanding. The complex has three towers, two of which are commercial-residential and the third tower is a luxurious 38-story hotel 150 meters high. Each of the residential towers is 21 storeys.
    The project was built with the financial support of Ahad Azimzadeh and has received international support from companies at every stage – from the preliminary studies to the final and final stages. For example, the lighting of the towers was done by the French company SSF.
    The Middle East Swan Diamond Project is a brilliant example of the science and art of modern architecture in the country that can compete internationally with similar projects.

    PAGE Commercial Complex in Mashhad
    The Paget Business Complex is also a classy city that fits in very well. The complex has about 130,000 square meters of infrastructure and is operational in five blocks and is one of the tallest towers in Iran. These blocks range from 6 to 25 floors and include many different uses.
    The business-administrative center of Paj is located at the beginning of Mashhad Boulevard in Mashhad and has good accessibility. The complex’s parking lot has a capacity of more than 750 vehicles, which can meet the needs of the customers.
    The Paget Business Complex includes office space, department stores, several restaurants, movie theaters, book cafes, banks, games and sports spaces, etc. that keep people satisfied with a variety of needs without having to leave the complex.

    Tehran White Tower
    The tower, which was opened in the Tehran Revolutionary Guards in 1379, was highly regarded in its time and is one of the tallest towers in Iran. The White Tower is 22 stories high and 134 meters high and houses Iran’s first spinning restaurant.
    The tower has office units and of course a luxurious hotel. The hotel’s rooms are comfortably located in the location where they are located and, after nearly two decades, they continue to retain their popularity among companies and travelers and even have long-standing customers.

    7 of Iran's tallest towers

    Tower of Heaven in Ormanyeh
    When the 37-storey tower was built in Tehran’s Fermanah area, it was named the tallest residential building in Iran. Today, with a height of 120 meters, after the Tehran International Tower, it occupies the second position in this table and is one of the tallest towers in Iran. Sky Tower has a total of 104 residential, commercial and office units. The headquarters of the Iranian Ship Organization is also located in the tower.

    In recent decades we have seen growth in the construction and implementation of high-rise buildings and towers in the country. A major factor in this growth has been the advancement of architectural science and technology, as well as the need to create more space by upgrading buildings.
    Most of these towers have commercial-recreational uses and a few are built solely for residential use.
    Most of the tall buildings in the country are located in big cities like Tehran, Mashhad and Tabriz.

    12/31/2019 By smart dg land news arch
  • Keep this in mind when choosing the right light for each room

    Keep this in mind when choosing the right light for each room

    According to research by scientists, eye diseases caused by exposure to very bright, cold and fluorescent lights have increased by 5%. Think about the room where you spend most of your time. Have you considered choosing the right light in each room when designing your home? Do you know how many lamps should be in the room? Do you know what kind of light comes in each room? How many lamps are there in your room?
    All of these should be taken into account when choosing the right light for every room and office. When choosing the right light you should pay attention to the location. Different lights have different effects on your eyes and some of them endanger your eye health.

    What kind of light should be avoided in choosing the right light?
    Fluorescent lamps, cold white and bright lights, and incandescent lamps produce the highest amount of ultraviolet light. According to research, most of the eye damage is caused by these lights, and it is best to keep this in mind when choosing the right light for different locations and the lighting of each room.
    In addition to these lights, mobile lights, tablets, blue lights and some types of LEDs are harmful to the eyes. Sunlight can also cause eye damage. What distinguishes these lights from the appropriate light selection list is their short wavelength of light.

    In the 19th century, the first incandescent lamp was invented by Thomas Edison. Since then, there has been considerable improvement in the different types of bulbs and their productivity. There are many different types of lamps available in different places and appliances such as lamps found in the lighting systems of homes, offices, factories, electrical appliances, and so on.
    The performance of a lamp depends on the type of bubble (glass or bulb). Different types of bulb bulbs cause different lights. Lamps produce light by electricity and are a form of artificial light. Lamps and lights play a vital role in the lighting system and help us create our own lighting.

    Here’s a look at the different types of lights and lamps, their features and performance. Understanding the types of lamps is important for saving energy and choosing the right lighting for each room and location, and this information will help you decide which lamps can be used depending on the environment in which the lighting is to be used. Provide adequate light to any room and location.

    Different types of lamps and lights
    Incandescent lamps
    Incandescent lamps are standard lamps that most people are quite familiar with. Incandescent lamps are manufactured in different sizes and voltages. These light bulbs produce light and heat by the electricity that passes through the tungsten filament (chromium metal) inside their bubble. The filament is in a mixture of nitrogen gas or vacuum.
    Over time, LED lamps, fluorescent lamps, and others have replaced these types of lamps and are less commonly used today. One of the reasons that reduced the use of this lamp is the sudden flow of light on the lamp. Due to the bubble being thin and the energy and heat generated by the lamp, it is possible to break the lamp as the filaments warm up.

    Compact fluorescent lamps
    Compact fluorescent lamps are a new type of fluorescent lamps that work just like the old fluorescent lamps. One of the problems with these lamps is mercury production and disposal problems. This lamp is designed as a replacement for incandescent lamps.
    These lamps use less energy, produce the same amount of light and last longer. The luminous efficiency of a compact fluorescent lamp is about 2 lumens per watt and lasts approximately 2 hours. Most of these tubes are manufactured in tubular form and their new models look like incandescent bulbs.

    Halogen lamps
    These bulbs include a tungsten filament with a dense, translucent coating, filled with static gas and a small amount of halogen (bromine or iodine). These lights are smaller than ordinary bulbs. Halogen extends the life and brightness of the lamp. The optical efficiency of a halogen lamp is about 2 lumens per watt.

    Moonlight bulbs
    Fluorescent lamps use less energy to produce light than incandescent lamps and have an efficiency of about 2 to 3 lumens per watt, but are more expensive than these lamps. Fluorescents do not have good color and have a cold appearance. So consider this when choosing the right light. This lamp can be used in many places, especially the outdoor environment. When using this lamp, it is best to combine it with another good light.

    Neon lights
    Neon lamps contain low-pressure gas and work with a glass bubble with two electrodes installed. Standard light bulbs are filled with a mixture of neon gas and argon, while light bulbs are filled with pure neon gas only. The gas in the bulb of this bulb causes the electrodes to transfer energy to each other and keep the bulb on.

    Keep this in mind when choosing the right light for each room

    HID lamps or high drain lamps
    These lamps produce a great deal of light and are not suitable for home use. They are used in outdoor lamps, stadiums, public areas, streets, roads and parking lots. Safety is very important in making these lamps.

    LED lamps
    This type of light bulb directs light through electrons in a semiconductor device. LED bulbs produce much more light than incandescent bulbs, while consuming much less energy and lasting longer. They basically put the LEDs in a bubble so that it can be used as a lamp. These lamps can produce different color lights without color filters. The cost of buying an LED is slightly higher than other lamps.
    Metal halide lamps
    The lamps have an arc-shaped duct made of ceramic or quartz, with mercury, MH salt and gas flowing through it. The light they produce is greater than their size, and they are very efficient. Most of these lamps are used in auditoriums, playgrounds and outdoor areas.

    Sodium low pressure lamps
    Sodium lamps work similar to fluorescent lamps and take a few seconds to illuminate. These light bulbs produce a great deal of light and are suitable for outdoor use, roads, etc.
    What lamps should you consider when choosing the right light?
    The first step in choosing the right light is choosing the right lamp. There are light sources that, in addition to being better for the eye, produce more energy. These lamps come in a variety of prices and applications, and finally, by exploring them and explaining their features, you can choose the right light.
    Solar Lamps (Warm Light Bulb)
    The first lamp you can put on your “Choose the right light” list is the solar lamp. These traditional lamps produce warmer light and emit less UV radiation than white light bulbs. The only problem with these lamps is their high energy consumption and cost, but one of the best options is choosing the right light.

    Full spectrum lamps
    The term optical spectrum does not refer to a particular type of lamp, but rather to a criterion for the health of some lamps. These types of light bulbs simulate natural light and balance the brightness and contrast of the light bulb. The makers of these lamps believe that the light of these lamps enhances readability, color perception and mood.

    LED lamps
    You can also use LED lamps to choose the right light! These bulbs are more expensive than other bulbs but are very energy efficient. These lamps do not produce any UV rays. There are many misconceptions about these lamps.
    For example, many people believe that these lamps can only produce cold and blue light, while LED lamps have a color spectrum and produce warm light. Another misconception is that many people think that the amount of energy saved by these lamps is too low. But studies show that the energy consumption of these lamps is about half the energy consumption of incandescent and fluorescent lamps.

    Compact fluorescent lamps or CLFs
    In addition to producing low UV rays, these lamps emit more light than the conventional incandescent and fluorescent lamps. Their light is lower than the LED bulbs, but they are less expensive than the bulbs. One of the drawbacks of this type of lamp is the mercury that it produces, but it is much less than the mercury produced by conventional fluorescent lamps.
    Introduced lamps show the least amount of damage and you can use them to select the right lighting for your room.

    Choose the right lighting and use of each room
    The choice of appropriate lighting should be taken into account in each location and the amount of light in each room should be chosen according to its application. Generally, lighting is divided into three models: ambient lighting, working lighting, accent lighting.
    Ambient or general lighting is the amount of light used to light a room. In addition to the usual use of natural light in a room, this lighting tries to make the room brighter. Chandeliers, bulbs, wall lamps, etc. can be used for this purpose.
    Using lighting will allow you to have more light than the natural light in space. So by focusing the lamps and lights on different locations, you try to create optical contrast. Desktop lights, study lights, and cabinets and cabinets are the most common types of lighting. Other lamps can be used for this lighting, but the type and style of these lamps, the way they are used in the environment, and the amount of light they use are effective.
    Accent lighting illuminates a particular environment. This type of lighting is mainly used to focus light on an artwork. This way the light is focused on the effect and the surrounding effect should be darker and create a shadow around it.

    To choose the right light and use these techniques, you need to consider what you use in one room and then use different techniques. It is best to start with ambient lighting and then work lighting and then acce lighting.

    12/29/2019 By smart dg land Interior design
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