• Choosing a Steel Frame or a Concrete Frame?

    Choosing a Steel Frame or a Concrete Frame?

    Steel and concrete skeletons are two ways of implementing a building, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. To choose the type of building skeleton, the arithmetic engineer must consider many things. Issues such as economic factors, performance conditions, climatic characteristics of the site, quality of performance, structural technical factors as well as employer requests.
    Without considering the above, as well as examining the construction properties with steel or concrete skeletons, it is not possible to make a definite and accurate decision on the type of skeleton. Choosing the right skeleton for a building is very important, since it is impossible to change it after the beginning of the construction process unless the previous skeleton is destroyed.
    What is a building with a steel structure?
    A steel structure, also known as a steel structure or steel structure, is a set of bearings made of steel profiles or sheet metal that are connected by means of joints. Because the steel profiles have evolved and undergo a lot of trial and error, these sections often exhibit favorable behavior.
    An important issue in these structures is the behavior of the joints used to construct composite members and sheets at the site of the nodes.
    Conventional methods of fitting in steel structures are as follows:
    Fittings for bolted steel structures
    welded joints
    Riveted joints (which are obsolete in almost all parts of the world.)

    History of steel structure
    The use of steel structures in buildings has a long history. Initially cast iron was used to carry out such structures, but after a while low-carbon iron or hammer iron was replaced. Structures of various designs and shapes were made possible using steel frameworks.
    Iron and low-carbon iron have also gradually replaced steel. Today, steel is the most widely used steel structure in buildings, where it is sometimes used instead of the term “steel framework”.
    The advantages of the steel structure make it widely used in the construction of niches and large buildings. This type of skeleton is also applicable in the busiest and least crowded places, so it is well received by major architects and structural engineers in major cities. The steel frame improves the quality of the construction and reduces the discomfort of the materials.
    The best way to implement bolts is metal and European countries do not allow the use of welded joints except in light weight and because they are less resistant than bolts.
    Benefits of steel structure for building
    The advantages of using metallic struc- tures include:
    The steel frame is less weighted than the concrete frame, thus reducing the overall weight of the building.
    The elastic properties of steel are very good with practical application. Steel, in reality and outside of laboratory conditions, adheres to Hooke’s law to great stress.
    The strength of the metal parts is high and its weight-to-weight ratio is higher than that of concrete, which is why it is widely used in large openings in niches and high-rise buildings as well as buildings run on loose ground.
    The steel structure is very suitable for long structures.
    Since the metal is manufactured in large, closely supervised factories, its properties can be assured of uniformity.
    The durability of steel is very good. If steel buildings are properly maintained, they will be usable for a long time.
    One of the positive properties of metal materials is their high plasticity. This feature makes the metal material withstand the stress concentration that is actually the cause of the breakdown, as well as the dynamic and impact force.
    The metal parts are continuous and homogeneous depending on the materials they make.
    The steel frame building is better resistant to explosion. The destructive force of the blast separates the barrier surfaces from the skeleton and reveals destructive energy, but the building will not be completely destroyed.
    The steel structure is reinforced and retrofitted. If for any reason such as miscalculation, change of rules, improper execution, etc. the skeleton does not have the desired strength; it can be welded, riveted or screwed to new parts or added to parts.
    Conditions of construction and implementation of the steel structure are simple.
    The speed of metal parts installation is faster than that of concrete components and takes less time.
    Because the metal parts are made from the factory, the material is less than the concrete frame.
    In two identical buildings in height and dimension, the columns and beams of the metal buildings are smaller and smaller than the concrete buildings. For this reason, the level of occupancy or dead space in concrete buildings is higher than in metal buildings.

    Choosing a Steel Frame or a Concrete Frame?

    Disadvantages of Steel Frame
    The disadvantages of a steel structure may be shorter than its advantages, but consider the following when designing a building and choosing the appropriate structure:
    Weakness at high temperatures and during fires: Building resistance with steel skeletons will decrease with increasing temperature. If the metal temperature reaches 500 to 600 degrees Celsius, the building’s equilibrium and stability will be compromised.
    Corrosion and Corrosion of the Metal against External and Atmospheric Factors: Consumables in the metal building are corroded against the atmospheric agents and their dimensions and strength are reduced; therefore, the cost of maintaining and protecting these structures is greater than that of concrete structures.
    Bending Pressure Components: Due to the large number of consumed metal parts and their dimensions are usually small, the tendency to buckle in these parts is a disadvantage.
    Improper welding: Welding of metal parts by welding may be inappropriate and ineffective. The lack of skill of welders, the use of old machinery, the inadequate control by supervising engineers, the cost of welding testing, and so on.
    High initial cost: In steel buildings, a large part of the cost of construction must be paid at the outset to purchase metal parts. In recent years, due to the steady rise in the price of these materials and the declining purchasing power of the designer or implementer, there has been a decline in steel building construction in Iran.

    What is a building with a concrete structure?
    Concrete structure or concrete structure is a structure made of concrete or reinforced concrete (consisting of cement, sand, sand and steel in simple or ribbed rebar). If concrete was used to run the building and in the columns, masts, and foundations, it would have a concrete structure.
    In a concrete-skeletal building, members of the reinforced concrete press barber are molded and executed at the structure. In these buildings all main beams and even shear walls are made of concrete.
    Concrete skeleton has its advantages and disadvantages that should be chosen according to the type of building, the place of construction, access to construction materials and their prices, the use of the building and the climate and geological characteristics of the area.
    In a concrete structure, these sections are constructed and executed with concrete:
    Foundations and Foundations
    The main beams
    Side beams
    Shear wall

    History of concrete structure
    In the initial definition of concrete it is said that this material is a bonding material, which is usually the result of the interaction of hydraulic cements and water. Given this definition, the first use of such materials can be traced back several centuries. But the construction and implementation of concrete, as we know it today, goes back to the early 20th century.
    Concrete, like all other materials and materials in the construction industry, is constantly improving its quality and efficiency, and every day we see different performances of this material, especially in bridges and dams.

    Benefits of Concrete Skeleton
    The use of concrete skeletons depending on the type of building, construction budget and location can include the following benefits:
    All concrete constituents are considered to be cheap, native materials. Ready-mixed concrete can also be purchased with different qualities and specifications.
    Concrete can be easily customized to any desired shape. Simply prepare the right mold and then produce almost any structural section and architectural form with reinforced concrete. This is one of the advantages of concrete over steel, as steel is manufactured in the factory in limited and distinctive shapes and sizes.

    Choosing a Steel Frame or a Concrete Frame?

    Concrete has a very good resistance to fire. A reinforced concrete building can withstand for hours and does not collapse.
    This property provides ample opportunity to control the fire and save lives inside the building. This feature is another advantage of the concrete structure over the steel structure.
    Concrete also has good resistance to moisture and water. If the water that comes into contact with the concrete is free of ions such as sulfate ions and chloride ions, it will not cause any damage to the concrete or even the bars inside it.
    Concrete should be run smoothly and without cracks, if not water penetration in the cracks during the frost season may damage the structure.
    The components are highly rigid. For this reason, the occupants of a reinforced concrete building usually do not feel seismic when they are hit by high winds or the high mobility of their neighbors.
    Building with concrete structure requires less maintenance and protection than steel structure. In fact, if the standards and standards are well met when executing a concrete skeleton, no special care will be required after the construction is completed.
    Concrete will not only lose its initial strength after years of use, but will also increase with time as more hydrated cement is consolidated. For this reason, concrete has a very long service life compared to other building materials.
    Concrete is the only viable option in some structural components such as foundations, basement walls and piles.
    Concrete and concrete construction does not require highly skilled and skilled workforce compared to other materials such as steel and even wood.
    One of the most important features of a concrete skeleton building is that its materials must be gradually purchased. In this case, less economic pressure is put on the creator or executor of the project.

    Disadvantages of concrete skeleton
    Certainly, the disadvantages of concrete skeletons are also very important. Here are some of the disadvantages of this skeleton:
    The tensile strength of concrete is very low and about one tenth of its compressive strength. This makes the use of reinforcing steels in the area of ​​concrete stretching inevitable.
    The full weight and dead load of a concrete structure is higher than that of a steel structure.
    Heat and cold are easily transmitted by concrete buildings into the building, which is a weakness.
    The time required to run a building with a concrete structure is much longer than a building with a steel structure.
    Concrete should be applied and consumed immediately after manufacture. Concrete can only be used up to two hours after manufacture.
    If a part of a concrete building is damaged, it is difficult to replace or repair it.
    Climatic conditions such as cold and warm weather affect its performance.
    Concrete works poorly against blasting.
    Because the quality control of the concrete is carried out in the workshop, its quality is lower than the steel produced in the factory. However, this defect can be largely remedied if ready-made concrete is used.

    Selecting the appropriate skeleton for the building is made on the basis of factors such as economic issues, performance conditions, climatic characteristics of the site, quality of performance, structural technical factors as well as employer’s request.
    Steel structure has the following advantages: low space performance, lightness compared to
    Concrete materials, suitable for long structures, high speed construction.
    Some disadvantages of steel frame are: high construction and maintenance cost, low fire resistance, tendency to buckle in parts.
    Building a concrete structure is much cheaper than finishing a steel structure. Such a building will withstand fire for several hours. Concrete does not require special care after application and therefore it will not be costly to protect it.
    The disadvantages of the concrete frame are its high weight and long construction time. If the quality control of the concrete is carried out in the workshop, there may be a significant error

    02/19/2020 By smart dg land news arch
  • What is concrete slab in construction?

    What is concrete slab in construction?

    Concrete slab is a type of roof that is integrated into materials such as concrete and steel. This slab is used in the construction of various types of structures and in the construction of deck types of bridges and floors, and its components are rebar and concrete. Concrete slab is most commonly used on the floor and its thickness is between 1 and 2 cm. Slabs that are less thick are used as paving slabs.
    Construction of concrete slab
    Concrete slabs can be prepared either on site or in a prefabricated form. How to prepare it at the project site is done by the molds in which the concrete paste is poured. Before reinforcing concrete, a series of reinforcing bars are molded and held in place by plastic materials. This allows the bars to be completely covered by concrete. Molds used in concrete slabs are made of plastic, steel or wood plates. Steel and plastic molds are used to build projects where the quality of work is of the utmost importance. In some places, there is no need to use mold, such as floor slabs surrounded by brick walls or bricks, as the walls act as molded tray walls. Unlike the concrete slab that is made at the project site, the prefabricated concrete slab is manufactured at the plant and transported to the project site. The slab support on the structure must be of precise dimensions so that the slabs are correctly installed in place.

    Types of concrete slabs
    Concrete slab ceiling is implemented in the following types:
    One way concrete slab
    If the ratio of the larger crater to the smaller crater is greater than 1 and the slab is on the opposite edge, it will be one-sided. In this slab, the loads are transferred in the longitudinal direction. If the supports support the slab on its four sides, the slab is also one-sided. In both cases only reinforcement should be installed along the smaller openings.
    Two way concrete slab
    If the ratio of the larger crater slab to its smaller crater is less than 1, and the slab is supported by its support on its four sides, it can be bidirectional. In this slab, the main reinforcement should be run in both directions as the force is transmitted in both longitudinal and transverse directions.
    Important points when handling and handling concrete slabs
    Adequate manpower must be used to pay for concrete slabs to properly handle and process concrete slabs due to the temperature of the concrete and the impact of weather conditions on the concrete.
    The land on which the slab is to be run should have a uniform bearing capacity and be properly drained.
    The surface of the floor must be moistened with water before concreting, but the surface must be dry when concrete is started.
    Concrete should not be poured into molds faster than they can be spread and leveled or stenciled. For this purpose, prior to leveling, the concrete should not be spread over a large surface, nor should the level of concrete be leveled, or the water caused by dropping on the surface should be leveled.
    The side moldings and the middle separator must be strong enough to withstand vibrational and mechanical alignment devices. These templates should be carefully positioned with respect to surface finishes and alignment paths.

    Concrete slabs are paid in different ways:
    Align concrete slab
    Alignment means removing excess concrete from the surface in order to achieve proper alignment.

    What is concrete slab in construction?

    T drawing or drawing
    In this method, a T or rod is used to eliminate the surface postures and heights as well as to penetrate the coarse grains into the concrete slabs. This is done after the alignment operation.
    Edging and sealing
    Edging is required during all separation joints on the outer concrete slabs and on the floors such as car rails and sidewalks. Edging causes the adjoining concrete slab to condense, which increases the strength of the concrete slab against decay and crushing.
    Financial board
    After the edging and sealing is completed, the concrete surface should be smooth and smooth by board or metal grooves or electric grooves.
    Stretching is done to create a smooth, dense surface. Metal waxing should be done after the financial board.
    Vacuum cleaner
    After hardening the concrete slab, a vacuum cleaner is used to create a durable slip surface. To do this, the surface must be tough enough to be able to hold imprinted lines.
    Benefits of concrete slab ceiling
    Among the benefits of this type of concrete roof are the following:
    Its implementation will significantly reduce the consumption of materials such as cement, water, steel, aggregates, etc.
    This roof is highly resistant to fire and heat.
    Its longevity is high, so the building lasts many years.
    Concrete slab roof top speed is high.
    This roof is well-treated against high shear forces, so it is stronger against earthquakes than other structures.
    It is a kind of sound insulation.
    Selecting a slab roof can save on shipping costs.
    Its creep is acceptable and its shear and bending strength are high.

    02/15/2020 By smart dg land news arch
  • What materials are used in the building?

    What materials are used in the building?

    You must have often passed by a semi-finished building under construction where engineers and workers were working and transporting building materials. Some workers pick up sacks from behind the truck and put them on their shoulders and take them inside the building, others throw bricks upwards or use a freon with a rope to top the pulley, other building materials To the upper floors and thousands more.
    The question is, have you ever paid attention to the building materials that workers carry? Have you thought about why a particular material is used in any building, and what’s the difference between them?
    For the answer to this question, follow us on in this article.
    Building materials in construction
    Building materials are the basic tools in building a building. There is no building that will form its structure without using the simplest materials, and on the other hand the quality of each building depends on the type of materials used in its construction. The materials you see in the normal are the simplest types to use, but in general and so-called specialized materials, these materials are divided into different categories that have physical, chemical, and other properties.
    Naturalization of building materials
    All of the building materials come from nature and mines, and after chemical changes, they become the materials you want to see, and that’s what you see today. Today, however, with the advent of industry and technology, the type of materials used has changed from traditional to modern, and we have even seen major changes in their structure and form, especially in the use of brick and stone. There may have been no change in their usage, but their shape and appearance have changed a lot compared to the past.
    Types of building materials
    Building materials can be divided into several categories for some properties.
    The first is a gender division that is simple and compound.
    Simple materials
    Materials are the same for all materials used, such as sand, sand, cement, beam tile
    Materials that are processed and used in materials of different materials, such as concrete, iran, isogam, mortar and …
    Another segmentation is in terms of prefabricated and in-situ building materials.
    There are building materials that are manufactured in the factory itself, such as tile, stone, brick, joinery, block, etc.
    in place
    There are materials made at the same construction site, such as mortars
    Another classification is in terms of its origin and application
    Natural materials
    Substances that exist in the heart of nature and use them in the same way as clay

    Materials used as adhesives for gluing other materials such as cement plaster
    Are a kind of adhesive material that comes from the combination of several substances and adhesives, such as clay
    Tools used in construction as components, such as stone
    Organic materials
    Hydrocarbon materials derived from the decomposition of animal carcasses and plant residues, such as asphalt
    Other materials
    Materials such as wool, which are components of a building but cannot be assigned a category.
    Here are some of them:
    Cement from building materials supplied in white powder and colored worm bags. The property of cement is that when combined with water it becomes a very durable material and due to the cement’s resistance to heat, humidity, etc., it is used as the best material in the construction industry and cement is one of the key building materials. .
    Brick is a simple building material that is made of both calcareous and clay. In calcareous type, siliceous aggregates are used and in clay type aluminum silicates are used; however, the basis of brick formation is clay.

    In the past, bricks were mostly used for interior wall construction, but today they are also used as an interior decorative tool, although the type of brick is known as refractory brick, which has a higher resistance to conventional type.
    Most of the metal used in construction is steel. Weldability and flexibility are high hardnesses with unique steel properties that are more commonly used in rebar production. If you are careful, steel is used in the building.
    The plaster that you use as a building material is actually powder. Gypsum powder is a white substance and, like cement, becomes a stiff material after being mixed with water. Plaster is used for whitening, surface smoothing, tiling, ceramics, false ceiling production, etc. In fact, the white walls that most of you see when a building is finished are the plaster that is on the brick.
    Wood is actually a type of building material used in interior design. The most important use of wood is in the manufacture of wooden cabinets. The wood used for this purpose has properties such as resistance to air and water decay, cracking, bacterial growth and especially termites, etc.
    Stones are other building materials that are used inside the building as well as the facade of the building. Today, however, stones are mostly used in the exterior decoration of buildings. Corrosion resistance and temperature and beauty changes are two important factors used in construction

    The soil used in construction is quite different from the one you see on the street. Soil definitions have a diameter of less than 0.002 mm. Clay is the most common type of soil that you have ever heard of, and it is also an important building material. Clay is a soil that has a sticky state, and if it does not, it is called sand. The reason for using clay is that it does not pass through water and that is why it is used in places such as roofs for waterproofing.

    What materials are used in the building?


    سرامیک هم از مصالح ساختمانی مانند سنگ‌ها است که امروزه بیشتر جنبه تزئینی در نمای داخلی و به ویژه کف پوش ساختمان‌ها را دارد. از نظر جنس، سرامیک در دسته مواد و مصالح غیرآلی و غیر فلزی قرار میگیرد که از خاک رس، ماسه و فلدسپار تشکیل شده است. صنعت سرامیک با توجه به رشد چشمگیر استفاده از آن در ساختمان‌های مدرن، نسبت به بقیه صنعت‌ها در حال گسترش است.


    هر کسی حتی از ساختمان‌سازی چیزی ندارد، حداقل برای یکبار هم که شده است، روش تهیه ملات را دیده است. ملات را چسب ساختمانی می‌نامند و از همین رو، مهم‌ترین مصالح ساختمانی هستند که هر بنا باید آن را به کار بگیرد. در واقع تمامی مصالح معرفی شده در بالا بدون ملات هیچ کاربردی ندارند.

    از ملات برای چسباندن آجر، سنگ و بلوک استفاده می‌شود. ملات انواع مختلفی دارد که بسته به موقعیت‌های مختلف مورد کاربرد قرار می‌گیرند که ملات در حالت کلی شامل سیمان، آهک، گل، خاک رس و ماسه است. استانبولی، بیل و کمچه از سه ابزار پایه‌ای هستند که در ساخت ملات مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرند.


    آهک از همان مصالح ساختمانی طبیعی است که از دل معادن و به صورت سنگ آهک استخراج می‌شود و پس از فرآوری‌های لازم به پودر آهک تبدیل می‌شود و به مواد و مصالح دیگری برای افزایش مقاومت و … اضافه می‌شود.


    ماسه هم یکی از عناصر اصلی مصالح ساختمانی است که ترکیب آن با آهک، یک ماده مقاوم در ساختمان‌های آجری را تشکیل می‌دهد. ماسه کوهستانی، ماسه رودخانه‌ای، ماسه بادی سه نوع ماسه‌ای هستند که در دنیا وجود دارند. ماسه کوهستانی نسبت به بقیه کیفیت بهتری برای استفاده در ساختمان‌سازی را دارد. البته دو ماسه دیگر هم دارای کاربردهایی هستند؛ اما باید تغییراتی روی آن‌ها انجام شود.

    خواص عمومی مصالح ساختمانی

    مصالح ساختمانی دارای دو خواص فیزیکی و شیمیایی هستند. خواص فیزیکی شامل مقاومت در برابر انواع نیروهای کششی و … و خواص شیمیایی شامل ترکیب آن‌ها با عناصر طبیعی مانند آب‌وهوا است. همچنین مواد و مصالح دارای خواص مکانیکی و رفتاری هستند که همه این‌ها باید توسط مهندسان در هنگام ساخت مورد بررسی قرار بگیرد.

    خواص فیزیکی مصالح ساختمانی

    خواص فیزیکی همانطور که از نام آن پیدا است، بیشتر روی ظاهر تأکید می‌کند. ظاهر مواد مانند رنگ، وزن، حجم، جرم، پوکی، تخلخل، وزن حجمی، وزن مخصوص. همچنین مواردی مانند انتقال حرارت، گرمای ویژه، گرمای ذوب، مقاومت در برابر آتش و مقاومت در برابر تغییرات دما از جمله خواص دیگر  فیزیکی مصالح ساختمانی هستند.

    خواص مکانیکی مصالح ساختمانی

    در خواص مکانیکی مصالح ساختمانی، مقاومت و پایداری آن‌ها در برابر نیروها را تعیین می‌کند. این خواص در تعیین مقاومت ساختمان و ضد زلزله بودن آن نقش بسیار اساسی و مهمی دارد. در واقع خواص مکانیکی رابطه مستقیمی با نیرو، کار و انرژی دارد.

    مقاومت مصالح ساختمانی

    اولین دغدغه هر شخصی که در ساخت‌وساز فعالیت می‌کند، مقاومت مواد و مصالح به کار برده در ساختمان است. از نظری علمی، تعریفی برای مقاومت مواد و مصالح وجود دارد که به این صورت بیان می‌شود: توانایی مصالح در برابر شن‌ها و نیروها. مقاومت فشاری، کششی، ضربه‌ای و پیچشی از چهار نوع مقاومتی هستند که برای تعیین کیفیت مقاومت مصالح ساختمانی مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرند.

    خواص شیمیایی مصالح ساختمانی

    خواص شیمیایی که در ظاهر مهم نیستند؛ اما نقش به سزایی در تعیین کیفیت مواد و مصالح ساختمانی دارند. در واقع کیفیت مواد در برابر هرگونه تغییرات شیمیایی توسط همین خواص تعیین می‌شود. در واقع بیشتر ترک‌هایی که شما روی سطوح بعد از مدتی مشاهده می‌کنید، به خاطر همین توجه نکردن به خواص شیمیایی است.

    ابزارهای کاربردی در مصالح ساختمانی














    نتیجه گیری

    استفاده از مصالح ساختمانی باکیفیت بیشتر از هر چیزی دیگر اهمیت دارد. بارها اتفاق افتاده است که بناهایی با بهترین نقشه‌های ساختمانی هم به دلیل به کار نبردن مواد و مصالح مناسب بعد از مدتی دچار مشکل شده و حتی ریزش هم کرده‌اند. از این رو شناخت مواد و به کار بردن بهترین نوع آن برای هر کسی واجب است.

    مصالح ساختمانی همانطور که بیان شد بر اساس چند دسته از جمله نوع ترکیب و کاربرد تقسیم می‌شوند. مهم‌ترین نوع مواد که امروزه مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرد، شامل گچ، سیمان ، ماسه و سنگ و … است. علاوه بر این باید به مسئله خواص فیزیکی، شیمیایی و مکانیکی مواد هم اهمیت قائل شد. این خواص روی بسته بندی بعضی از آن‌ها توسط کارخانه نوشته شده است. در هر صورت لازم است که حتما در هنگام خرید، یک کارشناس با خود همراه ببرید.

    02/07/2020 By smart dg land news arch
  • what can we do to keep the house from subsiding ?

    what can we do to keep the house from subsiding ?

    One of the problems that can occur in a building for a variety of reasons is the issue of home assembly and foundation. The problem that usually results in cracks in the interior walls and exterior, sloping floors or even curving the building in one direction is the movement of the soil underneath the building, which is usually downward, leading to its collapse.
    In this article, we will try to identify the reasons for this occurrence, introduce the signs, ways to prevent them, and ways to repair and rebuild the building if this problem arises.
    Symptoms of a house meeting
    Observing some of the symptoms may be indicative of a home meeting, although these may sometimes be due to other reasons, but seeing them can be a buzzer to address this problem.

    As a first sign, if you find a meeting in the grounds around your home, be sure to look for other signs of the home meeting inside so you can think about it if you have this problem. In this section, we will look at some of these signs of home assembly.
    Distance between wall and floor
    One of the most obvious signs of a house meeting is the distance between the bottom of the wall (the part that connects to the floor) and the floor of the house.
    Cracked circle around the nail
    Seeing Turkish circles around the nails on the wall can be one of the first signs of a house meeting.
    Stomach flooring
    Floor bumps, which occur as a result of mounting pillar columns, can also be symptoms of sitting at home.
    One of the most obvious signs of a house meeting is the distance between the bottom of the wall (the part that connects to the floor) and the floor of the house.
    Cracks on the basement wall
    Horizontal and vertical cracks in the basement walls usually caused by water entering the underfloor (causing walls to move and cracking), as well as cracks commonly found in buildings with concrete blocks, all due to problems with The foundations of the building will be established and they will announce the meeting of the house.
    Cracks on brick and block walls
    The presence of cracks in the walls is usually recognized as one of the earliest signs of building congestion. In brick walls or block-built walls, these cracks usually start diagonally from the corner and continue to near the windows.

    Cracks on the brick walls are usually seen horizontally, vertically, and stepped, each of which has a particular meaning. The presence of horizontal cracks indicates that the pressure applied from the underlying soil to the foundation is upward while the vertical cracks are caused by the movement of the soil under the foundation.
    The stepped cracks also indicate an uneven subsidence of the building due to the unstable soil below the foundation. All these cracks indicate a problem with the foundation of the building.
    Twisting doors and windows
    Although the twisting or cracking of doors and tweezers that can cause problems when opening and closing them can sometimes be due to moisture absorption and expansion, in other cases they are one of the hallmarks of home sitting.
    In addition, the presence of cracks around the door, window or ceiling or wall can also be warning signs.
    The presence of cracks in the walls is usually recognized as one of the hallmarks of a home meeting.
    Reasons to Set Up a Home Meeting
    As noted, most of the problems and symptoms of building congestion are due to foundation problems. But where do these bugs come from and why are they created?
    The answer to this question needs to consider the factors and causes of this problem. Much of the foundation is due to problems in the foundation due to unintentional negligence on the part of the executives or deliberate underperformance by the owner, which is usually rooted in economic issues.

    what can we do to keep the house from subsiding ?

    Some of the negligence that causes this problem are as follows:
    The first mistake that could lead to this is the poor design of the foundation against the permissible soil strength of the subsoil and the forces exerted by the building. This is sometimes due to the inaccurate information provided to the structural designer.

    In fact, providing inaccurate information about soil mechanics results in a mismatched design of the foundation’s ground capacity, which is usually due to improper soil mechanics testing.
    The next issue is the error in declaring the code during digging which causes the digging to exceed the desired level and inevitably results in a dumping operation to compensate for the additional digging that is usually done without reinforcing the soil bed and performing the required actions. It decreases the strength of the soil under the structure and consequently its subsidence.
    Other issues that are not addressed during excavation are the occurrence of building subsidence. Investigating and controlling the changes in soil aggregation, adhesion, and moisture content in the different parts of the pit created or not informing the laboratory and the design engineer of their differences. This seemingly simple negligence makes it difficult to retrofit the home and make the building difficult in the future.
    Failure to check the water level and soil moisture content and consequently the failure to perform the necessary measures during excavation will also be problematic in the future.

    On the other hand, sometimes due to the breakage of water pipes inside or around the building (during the structural stages of building construction), soil moisture increases, resulting in changes in the adhesion and strength of the soil.
    Other causes of this problem are negligence in dealing with aqueducts and wells at the site of construction and neglecting to carry out the necessary land preparation prior to foundation work.
    Other issues are that are often overlooked due to economic issues such as poor quality concrete used, improper foundation and dimensioning on the map (reduced foundation size) and failure to use sufficient rebar (these are sometimes the case). Occasionally due to a mistake in mapping or calculations.) They are.
    Raising floors or creating additional structures without taking into account the strength of the foundation (buildings vary according to the number of floors and the amount of load a building has) will result in a home meeting due to the imposition of additional load on the foundation soil.

    In addition to all of the above, the impact of natural disasters such as earthquakes can also lead to building collapse.
    In a few cases, inaccurate construction of surrounding buildings as well as the deployment of vibrating machinery around can also lead to this problem.
    The main reason for the problems in the foundation is due to unintentional negligence on the part of the executives or deliberate negligence on the part of the property owner, which is usually rooted in economic issues.

    what can we do to keep the house from subsiding ?

    Ways to Stop Meeting at Home
    The above mentioned were all causes of the problem of sitting down and avoiding the points mentioned above but preventing a few other things will reduce the likelihood of this happening.

    Reinforcing the home and increasing the earth’s bearing power by injecting compactors into the soil
    Creating a gauze and base underneath the foundation (parts of the soil are removed and reinforcing reinforcement is placed vertically inside and filled with concrete).
    Style building
    Increase the number of columns in the building
    Creating joints between building columns and shear walls
    Tap the wall
    Wall paneling or plaster and wall paint and crack removal and fracturing in various parts, which can be seen in both exterior and interior facades, are the consequences of building assembly. Of course, other factors, such as the penetration of moisture and high heat adjacent to the wall, are also involved.
    To repair and rebuild the wall panels, the panels in the inner walls first remove the damaged parts. If the damage has progressed to the lower layers, they will be removed as well as the wall, if possible, soaked (brick soaking or other materials). They begin construction to prevent water absorption from the mortar, and then rebuild it with cement or gypsum mortar (depending on the material of the wall) to solve the problem of wall sheathing.

    On the exterior of the building, the walls are usually made of stone, brick and tile, first with a hammer and a pen, carefully removing the wall and part of the wall and then repairing the siding with a mixture of sifted sand and cement to repair the wall. Fix the wall.

    Building assembly usually occurs in the form of cracks on the inner walls and exterior, floor sliding or even bending of the building to one side.
    Other signs of a building sit are the distance between the wall and the floor, the cracked circle around the nail, the flooring of the house, the crack on the basement wall, the twisting of doors and windows.
    The negligence of executives and sometimes underemployment by the landlord due to economic issues in the early stages of construction (excavation, structural design, foundry, etc.) are the main reasons for building a meeting.
    Imposing an extra burden on the building when completed (adding additional floors without the proper foundation) also results in a meeting in the building.
    Earthquakes, non-circular construction in the surrounding areas of the building, and the deployment of vibrating machinery near the building are other contributors to the building meeting.
    Wall tiling is another consequence of building congestion caused by pressure on the exterior of the walls. To solve the problem of drumming, they usually make mortars to solve the problem. Of course, the problem with wall mounting is related to the materials used.

    01/30/2020 By smart dg land news arch
  • Biggit, lightweight roof for building

    Biggit, lightweight roof for building

    Today in the construction industry the issue of building safety is of paramount importance. The roof is one of the components of the building whose safety is more important than other components. In the event of an earthquake, if the roof is not standardized, the damage caused by the damage will be very high, so the use of light and secure roofs is welcomed by the builders. Biggate roofs are lightweight and easy to implement, and are a type of concrete steel roof system that has high strength and durability.

    Biggate ceiling
    The Biggit roof is a type of arched steel deck that uses arched steel molds to form the surface under the concrete slab. The Biggit Ceiling Mold is a durable mold that does not perform structural performance and is made of 1 to 2 mm thick galvanized sheets. Biggit Roof is a type of concrete composite steel roof that, because of its arch shape, can withstand loads during operation.

    Biggit template specifications
    These molds minimize leakage of concrete leachate.
    Proper execution of the templates is required to access the composite function.
    Due to the angular lines, the Biggit mold has a high strength concrete slab curvature during implementation.
    The maximum spacing of the sheets is about 2 cm.

    Biggit, lightweight roof for building

    Important points in the implementation of the Biggate ceiling
    In the implementation of Biggit ceiling, the thickness of the galvanized sheet should be about 2 mm and the thickness of the concrete 2 mm. The Biggit mold must be able to withstand the weight of the rebar, concrete and loads during execution. Execution of these molds To close the beginning and end of the molds, precautions must be taken to prevent concrete and sap from leaking during work. If sub-ceiling piling is not used during the application of this type of roof, the stresses resulting from the weight of the rebar, concrete and loads shall be added to the stresses after loading of the concrete, and the joists section shall be calculated based on the sum of the stresses. Be. The design and implementation of this roof should take into account the exact details of the route and location of the mechanical and electrical installations.

    Benefits of Biggate Ceiling
    Implementation of the Biggate ceiling requires no special equipment and is easy to accomplish.
    This type of roof system is the fastest roof system in a day.
    The strength and durability of a Biggit roof reduces the life and financial risks that may arise during the execution of the roof.
    This roof can be applied to concrete structures.
    It is possible to run the ceilings simultaneously without having to pile into the Biggit ceiling system.
    Arched and conglomerate molds on this type of roof make it possible to use these as false ceilings.
    This type of roof uses smaller and cheaper side beams, which reduces the cost of shooting and makes shooting easier.
    Biggate roofs are lighter than composite roofs, steel decks and joists and blocks.

    Steps to implement a Biggit ceiling
    Shooting: Shooting operations are performed according to the executive plans.

    Installation of Biggit Molds: These molds are placed on the edges of the living beams without the need for fasteners or rivets.

    Flushing: In order to prevent concrete fall, the form of Biggit Flushing is used in bridges.

    Close Working Circle: The working circle is surrounded by boards that are 5 cm high.

    Reinforcement: According to the standard of the Biggit system, the reinforcement network is implemented.

    Candlestick: Candlesticks should be made just below the roof beams and before concrete.

    Concreting: Concreting should be in accordance with the performance plans and the specified thickness.

    01/28/2020 By smart dg land news arch
  • What are the best models for roof design?

    What are the best models for roof design?

    The beauty of the home is one of the important factors in the design of the building and has a great impact on the residents psychologically. This important factor is very important both in the outdoor space and in the decoration and interior design of the house. Like other interior surfaces such as walls and floors, the design of the house is of great importance, and although its history is unclear, it has always been a fascinating subject in architecture.
    In the meantime, the false ceiling design as a type of roofing is very popular and creates a pleasant and attractive space in the design of the roof and interior of the house.
    Urban people, on the other hand, tend to balance their living space, in terms of mental relaxation, anxiety and exhaustion due to the busy and polluted urban life. Therefore, it is important to use attractive designs and colors to design the ceiling as a false structure.
    These designs are also known as secondary ceilings on the house roof, which designers refer to as false designs. The false design is attached to the main skeleton of the building and its load enters the main structure and falls below the main roof, covering the weaknesses in the main roof.
    Its advantages include quick and easy installation, lightweight, the ability to shorten the roof, acoustic and thermal insulation, easy removability and roof removal.
    For the design of the house roof by false designs must be considered factors such as the lightness of the roof, the height of the roof, the location of installation, etc. in accordance with the design of the false roof. In this article, we will try to introduce you to the variety of these designs, given the variety available and how they are used.

    Robits and plastered false ceilings
    Robits false ceiling is made of steel and is one of the oldest and most used models of false ceiling design. The model is made of steel mesh designs and is plastered to attach it to the ceiling and therefore weighs heavily. It is therefore less recommended by architects because it can be dangerous in times of earthquakes. This type of design is compatible with most mortars, with less cracks and is made of two types of flat and prominent.
    It also has a high speed of execution and is geometrically expandable and has the materials and power it needs.

    False Ceiling Cane
    Knauf is the name of an international organization and has been used in the construction industry for more than 60 years. This type of design, which is very popular in our country, is a type of ceiling that uses prefabricated or non-gypsum panels and aluminum frame for its structural strength. These types of designs are highly customizable, and you can customize any design with any color, and you can also put hidden lights inside.
    The cannabis consists of fixed designs (including integrated and decorative designs) and is animated and there is no gap in the integrated design model. Choosing a home-made ceiling design, because it is lightweight, can be a good alternative to other designs such as Robits or plaster.

    Acoustic False Ceiling
    This type of design is mostly used for places like cinemas, music venues and places where sound should not be reflected, which is a kind of acoustic isolation.
    The acoustic design itself is divided into two standard and refractory models, which are the main parts of the steel or wood profile that must be fitted with matching nails. The acoustics are also made of corrugated fabrics, plaster sheets, wooden sheets and more.

    PVC false ceiling
    This design makes the roof uniform and shorter, and acts as a heat-insulation enhancer. These ceilings are made of polyvinyl chloride or PVC and because of their high flexibility, they can be turned into any shape. The design has gained popularity today due to its features such as appearance, durability, flammability, thermal and acoustic insulation and longevity.

    False wooden ceiling
    The main grid of this type of design for the roof of the house is made of steel and quadruple and its sub-grid is wood. In this design, the wooden limbs, made of foreign or Russian wood, are attached to the four lashes with glue and nails. When using a false wood design, it is best to cover the entire ceiling of the rooms in the house, and because wood gives a certain amount of heat to the environment, it is the best option for covering high ceilings.

    Synthetic false ceiling
    In this type of roof design, several different models and a new geometric design combine to form a hybrid design. This model creates a very beautiful design and makes the color of the house’s ceiling at different levels much more striking, and it needs to be designed with false roof structures.

    What are the best models for roof design?

    False ceiling of grillium
    The design of the false grille ceiling is made of aluminum, iron and alloy sheets and consists of square and rectangular houses giving it an outline. The ceiling is made of 4 to 1 mm thick sheet and can be painted with powder and liquid colors and attached to the roof by wire or wire.

    Aluminum false ceiling
    The roof model is made of aluminum with glass wool behind it. Each strap is fitted with a fastener to connect this design, and these straps are made of galvanized steel.

    False tile roof
    The design is one of the best covers for the home’s roof and uses galvanized pendants for its installation. Its gender varies according to the client’s order, and the tile pieces are pre-determined in certain dimensions.

    Luxalone false ceiling
    The design is a beautiful and decorative design for the roof of the house and also has the ability to be reinstalled and resistant to fire and atmospheric agents. This design is produced in rolls, depending on the design length, and is produced in both perforated and perforated models.
    Roof color is very attractive due to the variety of furnace or powder colors and is easy to install on the roof and is very robust and is a design accepted by architects.

    False ceiling with plasterboard plates
    These prefabricated plaster panels are fitted with a metal structure, special paste and sealant putty to the roof of the house and can be used for the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen as well because they are waterproof. These roofs contain fiberglass as well as thermal insulation.
    The main mesh of these ceilings is made of aluminum and the wooden mesh is also used in the design, is resistant to impact and noise and is highly environmentally friendly.
    Generally, homes that are covered with false ceiling designs prevent the loss of elements such as temperature, humidity and lighting, and provide acoustic, decorative and relaxing space with appropriate lighting.

    What are the best models for roof design?

    False ceiling of grillium
    The design of the false grille ceiling is made of aluminum, iron and alloy sheets and consists of square and rectangular houses giving it an outline. The ceiling is made of 4 to 1 mm thick sheet and can be painted with powder and liquid colors and attached to the roof by wire or wire.

    Aluminum false ceiling
    The roof model is made of aluminum with glass wool behind it. Each strap is fitted with a fastener to connect this design, and these straps are made of galvanized steel.

    False tile roof
    The design is one of the best covers for the home’s roof and uses galvanized pendants for its installation. Its gender varies according to the client’s order, and the tile pieces are pre-determined in certain dimensions.

    Luxalone false ceiling
    The design is a beautiful and decorative design for the roof of the house and also has the ability to be reinstalled and resistant to fire and atmospheric agents. This design is produced in rolls, depending on the design length, and is produced in both perforated and perforated models.
    Roof color is very attractive due to the variety of furnace or powder colors and is easy to install on the roof and is very robust and is a design accepted by architects.

    False ceiling with plasterboard plates
    These prefabricated plaster panels are fitted with a metal structure, special paste and sealant putty to the roof of the house and can be used for the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen as well because they are waterproof. These roofs contain fiberglass as well as thermal insulation.
    The main mesh of these ceilings is made of aluminum and the wooden mesh is also used in the design, is resistant to impact and noise and is highly environmentally friendly.
    Generally, homes that are covered with false ceiling designs prevent the loss of elements such as temperature, humidity and lighting, and provide acoustic, decorative and relaxing space with appropriate lighting.

    01/26/2020 By smart dg land news arch
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